As many of you have noticed, the mainstream news cycle has suddenly done an about face and have now admitted that covid was a lab leak from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. You know, that thing that we were not allowed to talk about a year ago without getting banned and disinformation slapped. Now suddenly it is ok to talk about and admit that oh hey this wasn’t a pangolin or a bat in a wet market or a bird shitting on someone’s head that spread this? It was indeed a lab leak from Wuhan? The house and the senate have suddenly all joined together with 100% support in the house and senate to release documents from C-19? This does NOT pass the sniff test. And I will outline why below.
I don’t think that the lab leak in Wuhan is true.
I posted the twitter thread above because there are many posts that parallel what many believe. Follow my hypothesis here and share your thoughts.
I believe that the United States played the largest role in the creation of the bioweapon known as covid for the sole purpose of launching the covid vaccine. I have posted several articles here over the last year to back up this hypothesis if you wanna go dig in the way back machine.
First: covid did not suddenly appear in January-March 2020. We KNOW that SARS COV-2 antibodies were found in blood specimens in both the US and overseas as far back as August/September 2019. We found antibodies in blood samples in the US, in Italy, and in Brazil. It sickened a large portion of the Military Games participants in Wuhan in October 2019. Ethical Skeptic hypothesized that covid actually began back in the winter of 2017-2018 as the original Omicron strain. We know it is genetically not the decendent of Alpha/Delta/Beta, it is actually the grandparent of those strains. Omicron is older. The fall of 2019 SO MANY PEOPLE were sick with this flu like crud they could not shake. Multiple trips to the doctor, many rounds of antibiotics and inhalers. Flu and strep and mono tests were always negative. It was “some virus”. Some called it the mystery flu. But here is the key caveat: people were not dying from it! Dr. Malone discussed this very thing. Deaths did not start until March-April 2020. We know that Agenda 201 was launched in NYC in October 2019 as the “dry run” for the pandemic that was to hit a few months later. The take home here is covid has been around for MUCH longer than any of us knew. It wasn’t a sudden lab leak in December 2019 from Wuhan. And it wasn’t deadly until a “pandemic” was issued.
Second: Covid is 100% lab engineered. That is truth. It was engineered in a lab. Mainstream media now wants us to believe it was created in and did leak from Wuhan after 3 years of vehemently denying that. The house and the senate have 100% supported releasing documents to support this very theory and “RELEASE THE DOCUMENTS”. This is what is called distraction my friends. They NOW want us to believe the Wuhan lab leak story to divert WHERE it actually came from. Where do I hypothesize it came from? Dr. Fauci and Dr. Ralph Baric and the NIAID are the covid czars behind the creation of the covid bioweapon. Where did that coronavirus research start at? Here in the US. University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, University of Maryland, Ft. Dietrich, and the University of Texas. Who else happens to be in Texas? Moderna. Who patented the spike protein IN the virus and the identical spike protein in the vaccine? Moderna. This hell on earth began right here in the USA. Fauci sent it to labs in China and Ukraine for “final fit and fine tuning” after Gain of Function was halted here in the US, and in order to make the US look like a victim rather than the boogeyman, he had to get it out of the USA. We have seen documentation about the spike protein Moderna Vaccines being sent from UNC to Moderna back in December 2019. We had the bioweapon vaccine ready to go prior to us even knowing what covid was. This sudden “wuhan leaked it” is the scapegoat.
Third: we now know that this entire project was the DOD working with subcontractors such as Moderna for the virus and the vaccine. And that finely crafted legislation going back 30 years ensured that when a state of emergency was declared by Alex Azar, the American people would be held hostage by a rogue government enforcing draconian and communist like mandates. “Two weeks to stop the spread”. Close church and schools, lock up grandma in the nursing home, 6 feet apart, masks, vaccine mandates, cultural civil war…….all of that was planned as a direct attack against every single one of us. Remember, Moderna is one of the patent holders for the spike protein. Moderna was founded right when DOD decided to do MRNA work. They blew through millions of dollars for a decade yet never went out of business. Why is that? The government funded this and Moderna was their primary player to launch the spike protein. I mentioned a few weeks ago that Pfizer sure has taken a lot of negative press about the vaccine failures but you never hear squat about Moderna! My hypothesis is that is because the DOD owns Moderna, Moderna is the DOD, and Pfizer will be the fall guy to keep eyes off the DOD for this shit show. Behind every terrorism event, there is a fall guy. Remember Timothy McVeigh? Who believes that he truly acted alone in his plan to blow up the Murrah Federal Building? And got caught due to a missing license plate on his getaway car? That is now about as believable as covid vaccines save lives. The fall guy for covid will be Pfizer to protect the regime that truly launched this hell on earth. Do we truly believe for one minute that the unanimous Senate and House vote to release the documents that will verify a Wuhan lab leak to protect what really happened, to be true?
Fourth: Back to the deadly covid. That didn’t happen until March 2020. Despite covid circulating for up to 3 years already if we credit Ethical Skeptic for omicron being “born” in 2017-2018. Why did it turn deadly in March 2020? Because they needed it to. What better way to get lockdowns and fear than to make this out to be deadly! What killed most people? The hospital interventions. Ventilators and Midazolam and failure to use medications that actually worked such as Ivermectin and HCQ. ECMO killed many. Intubating people who had an SpO2 of 88 was unnecessary. Remember, they banned you from the bedside, hospitals locked down like Fort Knox, and people died. Allegedly from Covid. They had plenty of opportunity to exaggerate just how sick your family member was and they had freedom to do whatever they wanted to. Oh they needed to be on a ventilator because the doctor and the nurse told you they did…….but did they really need that ventilator? Or were their deaths part of the propaganda to sell the “deadly” nature of this virus to keep you afraid, compliant, and willing to do ANYTHING to get normal back? How many people died because healthcare helped them die in the name of making covid look far more deadly than it was?
Fifth: how did covid actually spread? We were semi locked down. How did they spread the virus around? Being 6 feet apart and wearing masks and working from home is not conducive to anything spreading. It is why the flu was essentially zero in the fall of 2020-2021. One, they had false tests that called anything covid to keep the fear of it spreading going, and second, they spread it where they wanted to. How? Via the air, the water, any means necessary. I have long thought that covid tests themselves could have spread it. Do I have proof of this? No. But I will offer this. I have a reverse osmosis machine. I have had it for a year. And I can tell you this: whenever there is some virus circulating widely in the community, whether it is covid or RSV or flu, the tap water that goes into my RO machine is crappier. There are numbers associated with the water going IN to the machine versus the numbers on the water that was filtered as clean and drinkable. What I have noticed is that on average, my RO machine water goes in with a number somewhere in the 400’s, and it comes back out in the 30’s. EXCEPT for when we have some kind of illness going around. Then, the water going in is in the 600’s. I noticed this trend started back in October 2022. The water quality going into my RO machine was getting worse. Back when flu season ramped up in early November 2022, the water FROM MY TAP was at a 670-700 according to my RO machine. And it ran there for a good 2 months. Then suddenly it was back down to the low 500’s, and within a week back to the 400’s. Coincidentally, illness in my area dropped over the next few weeks at the same time my RO machine showed that the tap water input water number was dropping. Is this scientific proof? No. But it is highly suspect. What better way to spread anything they want to than the water. We use it for everything! Showering, cooking, making ice, drinking from the fridge dispenser or the tap itself. We trust that the water is ok! This is America ya know, where we are supposed to have clean safe drinking water. Except we don’t. My “conspiracy theory hypothesis” is that if you want to affect a lot of people at once with something nefarious, what better way than to spray it in the air or dump it into the water, our food, etc.
Dr. Braun on Twitter, who is a bioweapon expert, agrees:
So back to the original question. Why are they now admitting that covid came from China? Because they are covering up where it really came from. Their story of the sudden accidental release in Wuhan in December 2019 is a steaming pile of bullshit. But the media and the government now want you to suddenly believe that story. Makes me wonder what information is getting ready to come out that they do not WANT you to believe, so lets go with the lab leak theory to distract you from the truth. Because that story has been circulating for years now so it would be believable.
Eyes open and trust nothing. I fear that the truth is much scarier than the lab in Wuhan leaked it out. Accidentally or otherwise. The sad reality that I hypothesize is the USA did this and is trying to cover it up.
Potable water changes with the seasons if the source is surface water, so not sure there is really any kind of solid connection there between the conductivity of the water and people getting the flu. But,, they were indeed ready for the release of Covid-19. All the pumps were primed. The significant players had been rehersed and they knew what there roles were with the virus was released. It was a highly coordinated effort between government and media across the globe. Phillip Haney stated just before he was murdered that he thought it was deliberately released and had evidence to support that and was going to further investigate those leads. But two weeks after he mentioned this he was suicided.
As you noted, the origin of the epidemic goes back to legislation that allowed the federal bureaucracy to take control of our lives by declaring an "emergency." The PREP Act grants the government and its vassals absolute immunity from legal liability unless one can prove "wrongful intent" so idiocy is always a valid defense. Armed with this legal immunity they kill and maim us with impunity. If Congress actually wanted to help the country it would repeal the PREP Act now! Otherwise expect a new "emergency" to start again soon after Biden surrenders American sovereignty to WHO.