Potable water changes with the seasons if the source is surface water, so not sure there is really any kind of solid connection there between the conductivity of the water and people getting the flu. But,, they were indeed ready for the release of Covid-19. All the pumps were primed. The significant players had been rehersed and they knew what there roles were with the virus was released. It was a highly coordinated effort between government and media across the globe. Phillip Haney stated just before he was murdered that he thought it was deliberately released and had evidence to support that and was going to further investigate those leads. But two weeks after he mentioned this he was suicided.

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Thanks for the info. I recall reading Phillip Haney's book and then learning about his murder. Phillip was an honest man; he was despised by a lot of the "elite" scum. May he rest in peace.

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As you noted, the origin of the epidemic goes back to legislation that allowed the federal bureaucracy to take control of our lives by declaring an "emergency." The PREP Act grants the government and its vassals absolute immunity from legal liability unless one can prove "wrongful intent" so idiocy is always a valid defense. Armed with this legal immunity they kill and maim us with impunity. If Congress actually wanted to help the country it would repeal the PREP Act now! Otherwise expect a new "emergency" to start again soon after Biden surrenders American sovereignty to WHO.

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Great job as always. For $1.29 a gallon, I buy distilled water and drink it for coffee, tea, any hot drinks. I only drink mineral water for cold, Perrier, Pellegrino, etc. Can’t do much about showers, or an occasional water fountain, but 90 percent of my water ingestion isn’t from the tap anymore.

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Hey beautiful, hope you and M are well. I agree with most of your article. I still believe Covid was a Gates Foundation tool for population reduction. Event 201 had many players of which each had an agenda and a part of the grand plan of Globalization. Empowering the WHO, the WEC, and the many more world organizations was the grand plan in my mind. Yes the DOD, big pharma, and many other elites were a part of it. We are going to have to fight tooth and nail to prevent a one world government.

Love you guys.

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We are ready for battle friend!!!! Love to you and K! We will see you this summer when we 2 wheel south to visit y’all! ❤️

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Thanks Jennifer. I recall Bryan Ardis telling people that they were poisoning the water - a lot of the frontline people, including Kirsch and the FLCCC guys thought he was nuts. It's strange that you mention your filtration system. We have a Berkey water filter that utilizes activated charcoal cartridges. In the past 6 months, I have had to remove the filters and clean them with scouring pads on the outside surface - something is different with the water and it happens fast. I brought an old well back to life in my backyard here in Florida - the water is clears and the flow rate is great -I think I may do a test and compare the town water with the well water. JJ Couey is ahead of the curve regarding the "virus". It's not accident that the epicenter was poor communities around populated areas like NYC ( read "Undercover Epicenter Nurse") - the stuff is made using "gain-of-purity" - I do not know how they distribute it. It's NOT an airborne virus. ( See Matt Hancock's messaging in the UK - "let's release the next variant....") Our "leaders" are true assholes and they are stupid enough to kill themselves. Peace. :-)

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OMG the undercover epi nurse is AMAZINGGGGGGGGGGG. If you test the water, lemme know what you find!!

I remember how bad Ardis and Peters got dragged for the suggestion of water contamination. That convo has now resurfaced with Dr. Tau Braun……and some researchers at Arizona University who were on to this before Ardis reported it. I had a hunch back then that the big headliners were so adamantly dragging Ardis through the mud that there may be some element of truth to some of it and they didn’t want that discussed. Interesting unfolding of events!!

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Thanks. Yes, very interesting developments. I just watched Dr. Paul Alexander on J. COuey's GigaOhmBiological show that aired earlier today. J is an honest, real scientist that is getting a lot of people up to speed. Peace. :-)

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I am 10 min into his video right now!

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I've been wondering if a possible spread of illness may have been as a consequence of getting the flu shot in fall/winter 2019. I personally became ill with what was later termed long covid since I got the flu shot and a Shingrix shot the first week of November 2019. My pillow was suddenly covered with my falling-out hair, worse than ever constant migraines, oppressive fatigue and strange brain fog, not to mention many, many other issues, including swollen tummy, hands, and feet. The flu shot would have been a very convenient way to disperse illness in anticipation of declaring a pandemic.

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Could possibly test the tap water hypothesis by comparing incidence among urban tap-water and rural well-water consumers. Seems obvious, but I find people often don't realize most farmers and many other country dwellers have their own water supplies, often with their own treatment facilities. Might even be detectable at the country level.

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Absolutely! If I knew someone on well water, I would gladly throw a round of it through my reverse osmosis machine and see what comes out. I guarantee it is cleaner than the city water! Compare same date water samples city versus well water.

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Jj Couey and the Infectious Clones Band did a jam session with Dr Paul Alexander yesterday https://www.twitch.tv/gigaohmbiological/v/1765840549?sr=a&t=6557s

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Who needs natural viruses when ya got pure clones to study! Ain't that right Wreck it Ralph??

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The link may have expired try this:

Check out this video "Paul Elias Alexander Quick Takes LIVE -- Gigaohm Biological High Resistance Low Noise Information Stream" https://www.twitch.tv/gigaohmbiological/v/1766812234?sr=a&t=1s

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Can’t wait to watch this after work! Thank you for sharing! 🙌🏻

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Huff told Emerald Robinson yesterday that he believes the biosecurity system information sharing with China was a way of getting intelligence from China in exchange for the technology and it backfired. The US gave them the technology so they could watch them. Is it reasonable to conclude that the people at the October 2019 simulation were on the same team as China? Who are the good guys and who are the bad guys? And what in the hell was Trump's role in all of this?

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Now you're asking the right questions. Watch the video I posted above and it will make things even clearer.

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Excellent article Dr Brown and I think there is a lot of truth in what you say. It was interesting that JJ Couey announced a few months back that he viewed the Wuhan lab leak as a psyops but I never discovered what made him draw that conclusion. Presumably something uncovered by the Drastic Research team.

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Watch it all the way through the end for a nice surprise from Dr Giordano in 2017.

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The Monster is in the room with you and has been the whole time.

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See video I posted above

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Thanks. I certainly will watch that video. In fact I had put it into my watch list this morning after reading Dr Alexander's email and substack.

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I watched the video which was excellent - very interesting hypothesis - clones - it does seem to answer a lot of unanswered questions. In fact it seems to answer all the questions. I am going to watch part 2 later. Oh and I did watch the prophetic Dr Giordano.

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At the very very very least, we paid for gain of function research into bat-origin coronaviruses similar to SARS. That's enough for me -- even if we're not technically responsible for THIS PARTICULAR bat-origin coronavirus that's similar to SARS. (We are)

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Absolutely agree!!!

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It was actually spread via the media.

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Jennifer, I would also like to point out a great book of well documented research. Its titled The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life. This book clearly shows that prior to the electrification of the world, the flu was a phenomena associated with sunspot activity. As electricity, radio waves, and radar were rolled out it triggered flu type pandemics. This makes a lot of sense since our body's subtle energy pathways are electrically based but at extremely low voltages. Its worth a read. I'm partway through the book and so far have found it to be exceptionally illuminating. Many correlated the Wuhan outbreak with the roll-out of 5G. The theory is that we all have viruses that are latent in our bodies, but become infectious due to some other trauma to our biological systems such as electro magnetic fields.

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I could not agree more. DC Draino nailed it and so did you!

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Hey lovie! I have one for you - lots administered to prison populations. My camp is at 1600 +/-, and have about a 60-70% initial jab rate (their cards are kept in the files I manage), maybe 30% boosted. My curiosity is with excess death rates - they aren't happening comparatively at the increased rates. My guess is the lots given to state inmates were the "placebo" lots. I am not advocating anyone dies (well maybe the pedos) but I find it strange there aren't many I re "died suddenly" cases in prisons. I love you!

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