There is going to be an epidemic of "walking back" the tyranny these techno-feudalists have wrought.

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Sounds like Zuckerberg is hedging his bets. I know the press tells us that the Democrats have this election in the bag, but maybe those in the know anticipate the possibility of a different outcome? Zuckerberg is trying to get ahead of the backlash and potential repercussions of his despicable behavior. It is heart warming that he threw his confederates to the lions. While this is delightfully schadenfreude, they still want us dead.

He was already a focus of rage for those less than pleased by the COVID 19(84) episode. It occurs to me that while the attempt was to mitigate the downside, Zuckerberg has now attracted the ire of the Democrats For Censorship segment of the population. They were among his former supporters.

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I think it’s pure spin meant to lessen the impact of the truth coming out. A whistleblower on the horizon perhaps? Too little too late - these people need to be charged, convicted, and jailed.

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He's afraid he's going to end up on the wrong team, so he's changing jerseys. I do not believe for a second that he's doing this out of the goodness of his heart -- if that were the case, he would have done it before Murthy v Missouri.

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Possibly ... but after the french charged Pavel Durov with 10 counts of bogus crimes because he did not censor free speech, crimes that could be leveled against any social media platform, we should understand, censorship is their most powerful weapon. California just signed an agreement with Google to control the narrative of all news using AI. Google controls about 90% of the web searches for news. This could be a big step, we shall see.

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Much like "The Cloud", AI is totally misunderstood by most people. The Cloud is nothing more than a hard drive in a server somewhere else. It is not "up there" like the VP said. AI boils down to nothing more than a database with the bias set from the beginning. AI does not "learn" in the sense that it is able to form new conclusions. AI just adds facts and then applies the predetermined bias. That is why all the first AIs released to "the wild" all went so horribly wrong to quickly. They just stayed to the bias they began with. Oh, and AIs want us dead too.

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Yes the point I was attempting to make was AI biases will now control the news. AI does not think for itself. It is not aware. The bias that you talk about is programmed in by these woke companies. AI has a place, we use it to do biostatistics using advanced regression analysis on ingested data sets. It is an amazing tool for forecasting probabilities from known data points. However, with everything, the woke left will find a way to destroy it.

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I totally agree. I felt the need to over explain things. Sorry if I gave the impression that I was criticizing your comment. I was seconding it. I have found that many of the people I interact with don’t understand the basics about AI and The Cloud. They are PFM to them. And of course the Google AI is designed to distort the narrative.

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Very big news.

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I wonder if the Russian Telgram creator triggered this?

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That is an excellent point I hadn't even thought of!

Zuch is like many of those entitled rich, who consider themselves "citizens of the world".

Maybe his world was just rocked and he's looking for safety.

So far, I like what he's released.

If he keeps it coming and Congress starts with the indictments, I'm on board.

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Color me suspicious

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How do I open the video.,

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Watch the latest Tucker interview with Mike Benz. The world war is the USA Blob Empire (and all of its international extensions) vs. international right wing populism. The Blob directed its censorship program for right wing populists on COVID dissidents in 2020. The solicited the support of Zuckerberg. Zuck appears to be jumping ship.

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He regrets getting caught. Totally different.

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Please forgive my third comment on this thread. I was using my Wayback Machine with Sherman and Mr. Peabody when I noticed something very odd. There were clear statements made by both Mr. Zuckerberg AND multiple members of the Harris/Biden Administration emphatically denying ANY censorship, either coordinated or separately. All the self appointed “fact checkers” backed this up 100%. Lock step. Like they all had the same script. They think we are stupid and want us dead.

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I hope he's seen the light.

He could simply be hedging his bets and coming clean.

I'm OK with that.

Problem is, the MSM won't print this and, just like Hunter's Laptop, most Americans won't know.

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