You know something really suspect is going on when Mark Zuckerberg is issuing a mea culpa about his censorship of information during covid.
That is also a hell of an admission that he was pressured by the Biden-Harris administration to censor information. Watch his video and read his letter to Jim Jordan in the link above.
Is the avalanche getting ready to let loose???
There is going to be an epidemic of "walking back" the tyranny these techno-feudalists have wrought.
Sounds like Zuckerberg is hedging his bets. I know the press tells us that the Democrats have this election in the bag, but maybe those in the know anticipate the possibility of a different outcome? Zuckerberg is trying to get ahead of the backlash and potential repercussions of his despicable behavior. It is heart warming that he threw his confederates to the lions. While this is delightfully schadenfreude, they still want us dead.
He was already a focus of rage for those less than pleased by the COVID 19(84) episode. It occurs to me that while the attempt was to mitigate the downside, Zuckerberg has now attracted the ire of the Democrats For Censorship segment of the population. They were among his former supporters.