I think we are going to see hundreds of stories of doctors and nurses acting with malice toward the unwashed unvaccinated, even now because they are angry that the unwashed were able to escape the vax hell they submitted themselves to.

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I have no doubt, based on personal experience, not getting your Covid shot was causing bias and poorer treatment. Not only did they ask if you got the shot, if you answered honestly no they followed up with why not and documented that answer as well. No different than adopting DEI and treating patients differently based on race. At this point a lot of the healthcare system is doing a lot more harm than good and care itself is no longer the goal.

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You are so perceptive. The goal is not care, the goal is CONTROL. The power of life and death to be exercised at whim.

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Probably why Jimmie never got a call even though he had a super normal blood type and just an all around regular life. He would not get jabbed and the little double face diapered “doctor “was just soooo unhappy with my husband. Probably didn’t help that the hospital social worker didn’t like Jimmie’s hobbies of hunting and fishing. She told him he should try to find more worthwhile things to be his hobbies.

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Does Doctor = Tyrant? Sounds more and more like it does.

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First, he must be a salaried Doc.

Second, there is a lot of info missing. Surgeons don’t put patients on transplant lists. The transplant “team” do. The transplant coordinator (a non-physician) is in charge of organizing the whole transplant. Matching requirement and triple checking all data.

Way too many eyes watching.

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Remember when doctors said that they would deny treatment to people who didn’t take the jab? I’m ashamed at what happened to me medical field during Covid.

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I expect we will see more of these-type stories.

People were able to manipulate during C*** as they usual controls became "fluid".

Our local hospital which only does the "small" stuff had no issues with me, a pureblood, entering their facility for a routine stress test.

My cardiologist subsequently recommended re-running the test at the main hospital 10 miles up the road, but they had the totally insane requirements of a full 7-day isolation before the test. I asked the obvious question about arrival in an ambulance, would they isolate me 7 days before testing?

Now, I'm no doctor, but I do have 65+ years of experience with this heart and I know there's nothing wrong with it when I can walk 3 miles with 361 feet of elevation change in under 55 minutes breathing only through my nose and heart never exceeding 135 bpm even on the final 100 yards which is 25% grade.

For years I did 3-twelves at night. I've since cut back to 4-tens on days which is much easier and less stress as I intend to work until at least 70 as I enjoy the freedom of not being on medicare.

These tyrants think of themselves as gods and we are merely their subjects.

I'm not going to rehash the lockdowns, but suffice it to say, there are those who need to be removed from their positions of decision-making.

This war will likely not end in our lifetimes as evidenced by Elie Wiesel, who, although many were found and brought to justice, he died before the last ones were discovered.

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Sunday Strip: "Not Friendly!" from - Robert W Malone MD from "Who is Robert Malone" <rwmalonemd@substack.com> has a poster this past Sunday


After witnessing, via the media and internet "doctors" en-masse doing Real Harm through their wholesale denial of Real early treatment for covid-19 and their denial of Real treatment for covid-19 in the ER and their denial of Real treatment for covid-19 for the hospital inpatient I questioned - What happened to First Do No Harm?

In the "OATH FOR NEW PHYSICIANS" Administered to the Graduating Class University of Minnesota Medical School June 6, 1997 I found the words "I will do no harm"

"Each year, the incoming class of medical students creates their own class oath, which they recite together at the White Coat Ceremony." "Class Oath, University of Minnesota Medical School, Twin Cities Campus Class of 2021" "their" pledge starts off with a pledge to themselves with these words

"I pledge to care for my patients with all that I have to offer, knowing that when I take care of myself, I have the most to give." The "all that I have to offer" including denying Real treatment for covid-19.

so " I take care of myself" I follow the guidelines, I do what I am told, I make my money. Let them suffer and die, I follow the guidelines, I do what I am told, I make my money.

and nowhere in their oath is to be found "I will do no harm" freeing the "doctor" to continue harms with unsafe vaccines and by denying vaccine injury and other evils of the "White Coat" class.

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I have a FB friend in AZ, who needs a kidney transplant. She was put at the bottom the list with Mayo when she refused the jab... they told her people who took the jab were more likely to live longer because of the jab and transplant!

She found a place in TX but they have jerked her around with tests and all kinds of stuff. They recently told her that she has aged out of their program (though THEY were the ones taking all the time) and is no longer eligible.

She is so depressed. No one will help her.

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That's really sad I would be so angry.

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She is... and feels so betrayed. They've been stringing her along for around 3 years. 😢

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It's almost like they don't want you to get better.

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