I believe HEALTH CARE is driven by govt. and politicians and they have signed on to the


GATES SICKO SLIMES OF THE WORLD.....COLLEGES OF P's and S's THREATEN THE DOCTORS ET AL! Most do not have a spine and bow to the status quo and continue

pushing the deadly jabs!

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Good luck with that. Stupid begets stupid. These physicians are doubling down on their mistakes and recommending every mRNA shot there is, because "I am a doctor and I am never wrong". I am just this side of God. Check that, I am a god. Wrong; you have been utterly exposed to at least 30% of the population. That number is growing, although way to slow because .... stupid begets stupid ... for all.

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The way statistics works, the more successful the doctors at pushing the mRNA shots, the bigger the number describing the number of the resistance. If the mRNA pushing doctors are REALLY successful, then we might approach 100% of the remaining population.

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These are powerful posts. Mary Talley Bowden is a heroine and sadly a martyr to the medical establishment.

I would fire any Doctor who still recommends any mRNA/lNP vaccines.

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I tell everyone I know, & all my clients, that mRNA LNP products are NOT safe, nor effective. And to stay away from that stuff. Do research before taking any injectables. And do not vaccinate your pets either. I give them advice on pet health, & human health instead. Like staying away from seed oils, sugar, & lots of refined carbs. Exercise and sunshine is a good thing!

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On a recent visit to my physician ‘s

Office I noticed a big sign :get your shingles shot here. There had been a similar sign that offered the Covid vaccine . That was along with another sign that said if you have been exposed to Covid and had any symptoms, go home and call us. Do not enter.

In 2022 they stationed a girl outside at a table taking the temperature of all who wanted to go into the office.

So I casually asked my doctor if he had taken the shot . He never hesitated but said yes he had 3 so far and was horribly sick with the second one . ( And yet took another booster?) He said he had to …to keep his job..!

I wonder if I should have said goodbye , you may be shedding on me?

Then he said he had seen a huge increase in sudden cancers and odd diseases that he’d never seen before. ???

I said no to the shingles shot and double no to the flu shot and left!

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In early 2021, I, an older retired tradesman, snuck into the US medscape site by registering as a (age correct) 3ed year medical student. This enabled me to see and follow a doctor and nurse only covid vaccine injury discussion page. Injury after injury after injury reported, the truth in plain sight, the term "clot shot" widely used. Then I found the page - gone. The covid "vaccine" injection is safe and effective bs at medscape grew and grew and grew and I unsubscribed.

100% certainty that many of those in healthcare knew early on "safe and effective was a lie from the beginning.

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I guess it is great that some of the pushers (insert Steppenwolf song here) are slowly coming around. Perhaps it is a character flaw, but I have a hard time forgiving someone who chose to inflict such harm on me. To misquote George Patton: May God have mercy on them, for I will not. They want us dead.

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George Patton was on the right path when he was prematurely stopped.

Ever notice how the MIC quickly makes public martyrs out of those who died suddenly?

Sixty years ago, I filed this under "Hmm".

Not any more.

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It's aaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllll about the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ as regards healthcare.

There is a very slim minority of physicians who give a rats ass about patients but that figure is likely. 000000001%.

The rest are all greedy scum.

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