The following came from a direct report to Dr. Mart Talley Bowden. She has been a fierce advocate to stop vaccines, treat covid responsibly (no remdesivir). She has had her license threatened in Texas and that litigation is ongoing for her.
One of her colleagues sent this to her.
Healthcare, it is time for you to WAKE UP. With this next round of sham boosters going at your local Walgreens, educate your patients to SAY NO. We are well past the point of playing dumb and rolling over and being quiet. Stand up for your patients. Report these safety signals. Educate that these shots are not a good idea.
I believe HEALTH CARE is driven by govt. and politicians and they have signed on to the
GATES SICKO SLIMES OF THE WORLD.....COLLEGES OF P's and S's THREATEN THE DOCTORS ET AL! Most do not have a spine and bow to the status quo and continue
pushing the deadly jabs!
Good luck with that. Stupid begets stupid. These physicians are doubling down on their mistakes and recommending every mRNA shot there is, because "I am a doctor and I am never wrong". I am just this side of God. Check that, I am a god. Wrong; you have been utterly exposed to at least 30% of the population. That number is growing, although way to slow because .... stupid begets stupid ... for all.