*THEY* planned from the beginning they would eventually say "Well, it was an emergency and an unfamiliar challenge and we did the best we could." No, it was a carefully planned program of terrorism. Normal people take what life hands them and try to wake up to a new day. Many of us are just glad we're free again (when actually the acquiescence to the mandates is now in our DNA) We were sad when gasoline went up $2 and now we're glad it went down $1. Again, carefully planned. The psychopaths who want to subjugate humanity have banked on the forgiving nature of normal people for centuries. In today's PC world, if you remain angry about all this you are maladjusted and need counseling or medication. I join Jennifer in saying, "Hell no!"

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I agree 1000%. This was premeditated, preplanned, full on tyrannical assault on our world. This is terrorism as its most basic definition. And what I find so darn sad is how many people fell for this mental manipulation! I will never ever forget what people were put through during the last 2.5 years. Those who fell for the Jedi mind trick who have now woken up just act like it is no big deal. My reply to that is it is certainly a big deal, and you do NOT get a free pass for the behavior you exhibited towards people who you are related to, good friends with, and colleagues with.

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Another great piece Jennifer, thank you.

My trials were less horrible than most of the resistors, I would guess. It was a dark time, compounded with some personal challenges. Hope dimmed and things looked bleak. But I was not put in an impossible position and I didn't have to compromise as so many were forced to, though the cost was not minor.

I can't add anything to the excellent comments here, from Dave and James and others. Sentiment shared.

Other than to add, trust and forgiveness ain't coming back until the existential threat is disassembled and every piece destroyed. I refuse to blithely return to business as usual under the Sword of Damocles, as the Mockingbird puppets are encouraging.

The turnkey totalitarianism they have built over decades under the original 'security state' and now 'biosecurity state', and almost completed in the past few years, is still in place. CBDCs are being pushed. 100 other things are being done, globally, none of them aimed to solve our current slew of challenges such as in energy security and looming famines. Opposite, opposite, in fact. Other elements of the control grid are being added as we type, even though the pretext has evaporated - as if more evidence was required about a darker Agenda as we limp towards 2030.

There has been no contrition from Power. There has been nothing genuine from the 'mainstream'. It feels like we are in another transition Act now; and I can't see what the next will drop into our laps. Gaslighting is alive and well. Blame shifting. The appearance of disharmony. Distractions proliferating. The noise floor is extreme - so divining intent is like listening for a snake in the grass at a rock concert.

And just like CDC will not cleanse itself, addressing one facet of the evil agenda won't stop the juggernaut. Won't even give it pause.

With the (ongoing) waves of terror and the conditioning, they have negated the majority, for now. Many are functionally absent, and some won't ever wake up. Unfortunately, as the bioweapon does its job, a growing number will be unable to help even if they wished to.

Sounds dismal?

But it is simple. We rip the juggernaut apart, piece by piece. Before they kill us all and enslave the rest.

The US Federal Reserve has to go. Number 1 with a bullet. And the people who really own it, obviously. We need to repossess that wealth which they have stolen from us all for over a century.

The Letter agencies. CDC 1st. Then FDA. And all of NIH. And with it the childhood vaccine schedule, so a new generation can start to grow, healthy. Undo the warped legacy of Rockefeller and others in modern medicine and food. Make medical journals great again, rather than their current (P)harma shill pamphlet status.

Obviously, the ripples extend. Big (P)harma needs to be put on a leash, somehow. Or nuked from orbit, if we really want to be sure. Corruption of institutions needs to be blocked. It goes without saying that regulators anywhere should not draw funding from the shysters they are meant to be regulating. Maybe it does need to be said, given how widespread it has become? A lot of 'not corrupt' influence peddling got us to this point. It seems the road to Hell was paved by Lobbyists. We might want to see about nipping that in the bud next time.

Government has to be shrunk to a tiny fraction of what it has become in western nations. While it is not inherently evil, its vast power has facilitated exactly that - evil policies (all oddly identical around the world) with extreme overreach.

The various emergency powers which budding dictators such as Dan Andrews and Tedros have gifted themselves need to be torn up.

The perverse incentives, everywhere, need to go. Bounties, to kill patients? Seriously, WTF?

And accountability.

The farce of GoF. All those WHO have had a hand in what has actually been bioweapons development need to face a reckoning. They have caused pandemics. And a 4th grade student could tell you their justification for the work is utter bollocks. They remain, to a man/woman, unrepentant. The blood of millions stain their hands, just since 2020.

I recently skimmed an email notification that mentioned there was some push to have all BSL-3/4s closed, globally. Given what DARPA has been doing in the ex-Soviet states, where SARS-CoV-2's spike was made, and the fact that Fauci has had his slimy tentacles in such facilities for decades that is probably the best idea for 2022 so far. If we want our species to have a fighting chance.

So maybe the task list is a little long. But this is the moment. The last hill.

Otherwise, when they turn the key, we will be unable to resist. And our children will be slaves.

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Last year I lost my job over refusing to get the jab. This is so upsetting now that they’ve done this.

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I am so sorry my friend. The mandate jab to keep a job might be the most ridiculous of this all. So many people lost their ability to pay their bills, maintain a roof over their head and feed their family because of a false tyrannical illegal mandate. And now they just say well whoops sorry we take it all back. That does not undo the financial, emotional, social and psychological hardship they caused to hundreds of thousands of people. Nor does it fix the “against my will” lack of informed consent campaign to give a vaccine that many decided to get to keep their job. My heart goes out to you friend. I had two options when I was confronted by my colleague…..stand my ground or get shown the door. I spent the next 45 days in much turmoil as I did not know if I was going to be able to keep my practice open, if I could open a new practice quickly enough to move, or if I would have to just walk away from healthcare completely. My heart is with all of you who walked away, and you are all the heroes in this shit storm. I have more respect and pride and admiration for you than you can possibly know. ❤️

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Thanks for this. I lost my job over the mandated jab a year ago, and now this. I’m beyond disgusted by the blatant lack of common decency.

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Thank you for sharing your story and I’m sorry you and countless others had to experience such horrendous things.

Although I saw it in plain sight, as an entrepreneur not working anywhere near medicine, I was sparred direct coercion. However, I resumed frequent international travel as soon as ‘permitted’ and as such got quite used to being subjected to invasive procedures administered on me by under trained and poorly qualified individuals.

I too am proud to have resisted the injections. For whatever reason, the propaganda, coercion and bad science, to say nothing of the apparent corruption and the long-standing track record of the same, were glaringly obvious to me from early on. That being the case, there was never any chance I would have ‘bent the knee’ to power on that under any circumstances. However, I do sorely regret that as a result of my travels, the US government, the Communist Party of China, and several dangerous corporations will almost certainly all have my DNA on file. Sadly, I did not work that one out in time.

Your meme at the end of this post is powerful… and accurate. The motives behind the CDC’s ‘change of heart’ are transparent… a) the spotlight is hot and needs to be deflected, b) upcoming mid-terms, and c) it has all the hallmarks of classic gaslighting.

In his post today on this subject, Dr. Joseph Mercola says, “While that might sound paranoid, it's straight out of the handbooks of tyranny. The way you drive people crazy is not through consistent high-pressure tyranny, but through waves of it. The ups and downs, with each wave being more intensely repressive than the last, create confusion and foster fear and anxiety, which breeds an infantile kind of reliance on authority to just fix it.”


Mercola is not paranoid at all. This is textbook propaganda and a prequel to totalitarianism as modelled many times throughout the 20th century, but this time it is global. For those who have not already walked this path who want to know more, the following books are great places to start:

‘A State of Fear’, Laura Dodsworth

‘The Origins of Totalitarianism’, Hannah Arendt

‘The Shock Doctrine’, Naomi Klein

‘Propaganda’, Edward Bernays

One thing I would add, which is missing in your meme, is explicit mention of internment camps. They exist now on an industrialized scale in Australia. (Like, Canada, and other jurisdictions, Australia, is at the forefront of a highly varied and multi-pronged experiment that is being executed around the world to see how populations react to different forms and degrees of oppression.) While not as conspicuous as Australia, Canada, Germany, the CDC, and the State of New York have also tested our resolve on the matter of camps through makeshift (and apparent clandestine) camps (Canada), public white papers (CDC), gaslighting through their captive media (Germany et al), and attempts to push health tyranny to the limits on the statute book (New York).

The key thing to remember, lest we fall for the CDC’s ploy here, is that no government of any significant jurisdiction anywhere, perhaps, with the exception of the State of Florida, as far as I know, has truly relinquished the extraordinary powers it took under highly questionable democratic grounds, if not unlawfully, in the spring of 2020. They are merely holding these extraordinary powers in abeyance. Some have even tried to make them permanent – Scotland. Some have succeeded – the Australian province of Victoria – arguably ground zero of the tyranny.

We live in serious times, for sure, and this is far from over. 1930’s Germany is not an over-the-top comparison by any stretch.

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Absolutely agree. We have not seen the end of this yet. I am still wondering what the anterior motives are of this CDC guideline change. Something is going to happen……midterms, Republican candidates with America first agendas winning primaries and school board elections….desperation is going to start ramping up a whole new level of crazy here soon. The narrative here in the US has already shifted to blaming Donald Trump for the vaccines, so you know their ammo box is getting low on offense and now they shifted to defense.

I love Mercola. He has been a steady beacon the entire pandemic. Poor guy has been dragged through the mud. I am glad you shared the same sentiments with the meme at the end and everything you listed is exactly spot on for why it is true. Arrivecan apps, vaccine cards, the quarantine camps….here in Kansas City they tried to pass a public health bill last January that would allow county agents to seize property and person and relocate them in the name of public health! They tried to add covid to the likes of Ebola and Yellowfever! The county citizens fought back and that bill did not pass. We already knew they had a nearby retired Air Force base prepped for a “quarantine camp”. This is WWII all over again.

I proudly stand with you friend! Those of us who saw the reality will be the ones that have to rebuild our society when this is finished and done. I am just not sure what we will be left with when that time comes. Thank you for the book suggestions! Adding them to my list!

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Lots of amazingly on the mark comments.

On the Nazi connection, I shared several times when the mandates came in and passes were imminent these memes "If you wondered whether you would have complied in Germany in the 1930's, now you know.", and Vera Firestone's quote on where we found ourselves: "People wonder, how is it that we didn't do something?

We didn't run away, we didn't hide?

Well things didn't happen at once.

Things happened very slowly, so each time a new law came out, or a restriction, we said, "Just another thing, it'll blow over."

(Renee is a Auschwitz survivor. Quote from Netflix doco "The Last Days.")

I got pilloried for that one, lost some friends for "daring" to equate then & the Jews, to now. But look what happened?, Passes, segregation, lesser thans, second class citizens, "vermin" and the rest, and look how they behaved, text book neo fascists, back to my first meme. Millgram experiment personified.Scary and sad.

Another meme was a stencil spray paint banner that said: "It didn't start with gas chambers.

It started with one party controlling the media. (WEF)

Controlling the message. (narrative)

One party censoring the speech and silencing the opposition. (been lots of that hey?

One party dividing citizens into "us" and "them" and calling on their supporters to harass "them,"

It started when good people turned a blind eye and let it happen>" (so true)

But the meme that got me in deep doodoo was the one that said: "Nice people made the best Nazis.

My mom grew up next to them.

They got along, refused to make waves, looked the other way when things got ugly and focused on happier things than "politics."

They were lovely people who turned their heads as their neighbours were dragged away.

You know who weren't nice people?


I called out some who were being like "Good Germans" but you can't do that in 2020.

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It is nearly impossible to not equate what happened in the 1930’s to now. I suspect those who get their butt feathers in a flutter about it are ignorant to their role much as the quiet followers kept the peace when the Nazi brigade began. “Do what they say and it will be ok”. Enabling the movement of massacre and horror.

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Exactly my point for sharing those memes. Well put.

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Jennifer, I stumbled upon this today on Telegram on our South Australian local district page. I couldn't go to the original but I did find a link to the Supreme Court case of Robert Kennedy and the mRNA toxin. The author in the original suggests the case outcome is why Fauci is departing.


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