Reading this was somewhat bittersweet. Rather than owning their mistake and saying “oops, the torture we put you through for the last 2 years was our bad”, they quietly issued this. No more differentiation between vaccinated and unvaccinated people. No more quarantine if exposed to covid. No more sending kids home due to being in the “exposure parallelogram” in a classroom.
“Focuses on individual decisions”. I say fantastic. But this is how it should have been THE ENTIRE TIME. Are we even ready to confront the level of destruction that covid protocols have caused our country? Are we even REMOTELY ready to address the elephant in the room of how poorly we treated our fellow mankind if their covid protections were different? Because “individual decisions” and the right to choose a covid injection or not, wearing a mask or not…….lemme tell you what it was like to live in individual decision land.
If you expressed individual decision to not get a covid injection or wear a mask, then you were not allowed into certain countries, not allowed to board an airplane or cruise ship, you were not allowed to enter a public school classroom, a healthcare office, retail store, or restaurant. You were not allowed at family dinner without a covid test to prove you were not sick. You were not allowed to attend vacations and getaways with fellow vaccinated people because you chose to not vaccinate. I am willing to bet more of you than not have been unfriended, disowned, verbally berated, and shown the door by more than a handful of people who did not agree with your no vaccine stance. How many people lost their military career? Veteran benefits? Lost their job? How many nurses left the profession for refusing a covid vaccine? How many people were not allowed to see their grandkids or kids due to vaccine choice? This is just the tip of the iceberg friends. There are a thousand possibilities of how poorly people were treated.
I am proudly unvaccinated. I am the ONLY medical provider in my office who is not vaccinated. In September 2021, the week after “lets go Brandon” announced his vaccine mandate, I was firmly confronted by a colleague telling me I had to covid vaccinate. I calmly said no, I would not be doing that. The coercion set in. He got very angry that I would not comply with his desire to make medical decisions for me. Threatened my ability to keep my practice in that office. At no time was my office ever part of a mandate of any kind. This was propagated personal fear that he tried to impose on me. I spent the next 2 months being ignored by him. I was supposed to have on call coverage by him while I was on Christmas vacation, but ironically he did not do much to cover me and I ended up spending vacation still working remotely during portions of it. When I returned from that vacation I was told I needed a negative test since I was not vaxxed. Recommended I just “work from home” since I could be a “silent carrier”. When I caught covid in late January, I had to produce a negative test to return to work in the office, despite the fact that the CDC had dropped the negative test to return to work requirement a few months beforehand. If I so much as had a slight sniffle, I was required to test and work from home. Headache? Could be silent covid you better work from home. I had to produce more negative covid tests than I care to count. I dealt with 10 months of persecution for my choice to not vaccinate……until one day, he, the triple or quadruple vaccinated barker of snarl towards me, caught covid. And worked IN the office WITH covid all day. When he returned to work, the tune quickly changed. Now, his stance is “quarantines are unnecessary, we are all gonna get this every few months, blah blah”. Uh Huh. His new-found stance does NOT wipe out the 10 months of SHIT he dragged me through for not being vaccinated. He wasn’t alone……another provider tried to coerce vaccines for months, suggested we ban unvaccinated from coming into our office and forcing them to do telehealth only……he just never approached me directly. He went after other office staff. He even tried to hang a note ON THE OFFICE DOOR that advised vaccinated patients that unvaccinated staff worked in our building! These are two medical school graduates here kids. These are people who should have SOME semblance of intelligence, critical thinking, and the ability to see a pile of dogshit and go “oh hey thats dogshit” and not go “oh hey thats a pile of melted M&M’s”.
Then you have industries that mandated the vaccine. I helped 2 good friends get a religious exemption for the covid vaccine. They were approved! But not without consequence. Both had to weekly test. Required to wear N95 masks. They were not allowed at in-person functions. The one function they were allowed to attend they had to wear an N95 while vaccinated people did not. It should be noted that at functions where only vaccinated people were allowed to attend, they had a covid outbreak each time. Despite testing requirements prior to the function.
Then we have social media. Twitter specifically.
This makes my heart just hurt, makes me sick, makes me angry. The vitriol that people spewed is just horrible. How poorly we treated our fellow humans. The devastating life long impacts from the narrative that had ZERO SCIENCE to support it to begin with. Shame on every single person who ostracized, berated, and treated a friend or family member or colleague differently due to their medical choice. With much egg on your faces now, as the CDC quietly declared “oops, we were wrong, vaccinated and unvaccinated should be treated the same way”.
I leave you with this today. You can substitute the photo of Trudeau with a number of people: Fauci, Walensky, Biden, Birx, the CDC, NIADH, FDA, Pfizer, Moderna, CEO’s of pharma companies, hospitals, airlines, pharmacies, restaurants, social media, mainstream media, employers in the private sector, family members, school boards, county legislatures, Governors, congress, senate…….. will people ever realize just how similar this was to Nazi Germany? To every single person who wondered how the Nazi movement started and how they convinced people to follow along…….look at the last 2 years of our world. That is how they did it. And they will try to do it again. I pray that the people who fell for it this go round realize what they did, and may they never ever act this way again. Learn and grow. At some point, those of us they hated so badly and who were discriminated against for freedom of choice will have to learn and trust and forgive. Many are not quite there yet.
*THEY* planned from the beginning they would eventually say "Well, it was an emergency and an unfamiliar challenge and we did the best we could." No, it was a carefully planned program of terrorism. Normal people take what life hands them and try to wake up to a new day. Many of us are just glad we're free again (when actually the acquiescence to the mandates is now in our DNA) We were sad when gasoline went up $2 and now we're glad it went down $1. Again, carefully planned. The psychopaths who want to subjugate humanity have banked on the forgiving nature of normal people for centuries. In today's PC world, if you remain angry about all this you are maladjusted and need counseling or medication. I join Jennifer in saying, "Hell no!"
Another great piece Jennifer, thank you.
My trials were less horrible than most of the resistors, I would guess. It was a dark time, compounded with some personal challenges. Hope dimmed and things looked bleak. But I was not put in an impossible position and I didn't have to compromise as so many were forced to, though the cost was not minor.
I can't add anything to the excellent comments here, from Dave and James and others. Sentiment shared.
Other than to add, trust and forgiveness ain't coming back until the existential threat is disassembled and every piece destroyed. I refuse to blithely return to business as usual under the Sword of Damocles, as the Mockingbird puppets are encouraging.
The turnkey totalitarianism they have built over decades under the original 'security state' and now 'biosecurity state', and almost completed in the past few years, is still in place. CBDCs are being pushed. 100 other things are being done, globally, none of them aimed to solve our current slew of challenges such as in energy security and looming famines. Opposite, opposite, in fact. Other elements of the control grid are being added as we type, even though the pretext has evaporated - as if more evidence was required about a darker Agenda as we limp towards 2030.
There has been no contrition from Power. There has been nothing genuine from the 'mainstream'. It feels like we are in another transition Act now; and I can't see what the next will drop into our laps. Gaslighting is alive and well. Blame shifting. The appearance of disharmony. Distractions proliferating. The noise floor is extreme - so divining intent is like listening for a snake in the grass at a rock concert.
And just like CDC will not cleanse itself, addressing one facet of the evil agenda won't stop the juggernaut. Won't even give it pause.
With the (ongoing) waves of terror and the conditioning, they have negated the majority, for now. Many are functionally absent, and some won't ever wake up. Unfortunately, as the bioweapon does its job, a growing number will be unable to help even if they wished to.
Sounds dismal?
But it is simple. We rip the juggernaut apart, piece by piece. Before they kill us all and enslave the rest.
The US Federal Reserve has to go. Number 1 with a bullet. And the people who really own it, obviously. We need to repossess that wealth which they have stolen from us all for over a century.
The Letter agencies. CDC 1st. Then FDA. And all of NIH. And with it the childhood vaccine schedule, so a new generation can start to grow, healthy. Undo the warped legacy of Rockefeller and others in modern medicine and food. Make medical journals great again, rather than their current (P)harma shill pamphlet status.
Obviously, the ripples extend. Big (P)harma needs to be put on a leash, somehow. Or nuked from orbit, if we really want to be sure. Corruption of institutions needs to be blocked. It goes without saying that regulators anywhere should not draw funding from the shysters they are meant to be regulating. Maybe it does need to be said, given how widespread it has become? A lot of 'not corrupt' influence peddling got us to this point. It seems the road to Hell was paved by Lobbyists. We might want to see about nipping that in the bud next time.
Government has to be shrunk to a tiny fraction of what it has become in western nations. While it is not inherently evil, its vast power has facilitated exactly that - evil policies (all oddly identical around the world) with extreme overreach.
The various emergency powers which budding dictators such as Dan Andrews and Tedros have gifted themselves need to be torn up.
The perverse incentives, everywhere, need to go. Bounties, to kill patients? Seriously, WTF?
And accountability.
The farce of GoF. All those WHO have had a hand in what has actually been bioweapons development need to face a reckoning. They have caused pandemics. And a 4th grade student could tell you their justification for the work is utter bollocks. They remain, to a man/woman, unrepentant. The blood of millions stain their hands, just since 2020.
I recently skimmed an email notification that mentioned there was some push to have all BSL-3/4s closed, globally. Given what DARPA has been doing in the ex-Soviet states, where SARS-CoV-2's spike was made, and the fact that Fauci has had his slimy tentacles in such facilities for decades that is probably the best idea for 2022 so far. If we want our species to have a fighting chance.
So maybe the task list is a little long. But this is the moment. The last hill.
Otherwise, when they turn the key, we will be unable to resist. And our children will be slaves.