Standard time. Duh!! Standard time is the Sun's time. Sun straight above? Noon. Ability to use a sun dial. How ill informed having a sundial point to 1 and say it's noon!

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Doesn't work. Philadelphia sundial clocks are forever 4 minutes behind NYC clocks.

Not to mention the Earth is not 24 hours around.

What a time!

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As an Arizona native who never changes clocks, I can’t grasp why everyone else does! 😅

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I have to remember this when I text you because now 6am here is 4am there! 😂

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😂 No worries! I’m usually up by 4:00! But txt me after 8:00 pm and I probably won’t get it till the next day 😂

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Because farmers! 🙄🤬

Real reason, businessmen wanted it that way. Now, because men want to go play golf after they get off work.

I despise the governor that took us off Standard Time. He finally died. I still despise him. Worst governor ever!

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I don't really care which as long as it ceases the stupid change back and forth routine

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This has been an issue they bring up every year and do nothing about. Just make a decision. I grew up in AZ and the entire concept of changing times was foreign until I moved out in the late 90s. Before most clocks automatically changed in our houses, cars and phones. Which caused a host of issues if you forgot to update them as I can attest. I would prefer they just pick something and keep us consistent. As you mentioned it results in a lack of sleep and issues adjusting when we have to make such a drastic change. I struggled to fall asleep last night and then woke up at 4 am. Ugh.

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Standard time all year long for me 😊

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I used to live in Oregon but I now live in Arizona where we don't change the clocks and it is vastly superior. The only irritation is that people elsewhere change their time so we have to take that into account when calling someone outside the state at different times of year. I remember the short winter days in Oregon so think year-round Daylight time is a good compromise for everybody.

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It would be helpful to decide one way or the other.....consistency matters.

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I vote for permanent daylight savings. I love the time of the day when it is light outside; especially in the evenings. So much better for your health.


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Morning sun is better for you. Get out of bed earlier.

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• I very very much DESPISE the CHANGING 2x/year !

• Which time zone? Mostly, DON'T CARE. Would be fine with using Zulu time [Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)], worldwide, year-round, forever. (With a 24-hour clock, of course, since 'am' and 'pm' would have no meaning.)

• I prefer the sun to line up with the clock -- such that local solar noon is within +/- 30 minutes of clock noon. Therefore, STANDARD time is my pick.

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Spring forward and stop changing the clocks regardless. It is a week long productivity hit, especially in the spring. For most of the country the kiddies get on the bus in the dark anyway. If you want to talk about mass depression, live in MN or WI in early November when it starts getting dark at 3:30 and those poor folks know they have 6 months of dark winter to look forward to. That hour makes a huge difference. Unfortunately, I think it was Reagan who did this, it was a terrible decision. We need to undo it.

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Amen to this right here!!

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It was Congress and LBJ most recently.

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One thing I hated was going to work in the dark, and going home in the dark. Daylight savings time would have given me a little light when I got home from work. Not a big deal though.

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I would prefer to not have to do it, but really no preference either way as to which direction to go

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I live in Anchorage, AK. Winter days are extremely short up here buty rardleg it does not really matter to me. Wether it's light or dark I have to get up.

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I do not care. Seems silly to me that this is an issue.

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I do hate the time change! It screws everything up for about a week, as people here have already mentioned. My inner clock doesn’t adjust that well to that change, whether it’s fall back or spring forward. Just set it one way or the other and leave it that way. I guess if I had to pick a preference, it would be standard time. But I would accept either one, just quit changing it back and forth.🍒

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• I very very much DESPISE the CHANGING 2x/year !

• Which time zone? Mostly, DON'T CARE. Could use Zulu time [Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)] worldwide year-round forever.

• I prefer the sun to line up with the clock -- such that local solar noon is within +/- 30 minutes of clock noon. Therefore, STANDARD time is my pick.

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