What sayeth you on moving the clocks an hour forward and backward: do we spring forward and stay there, or do we fall back again in the fall and remain on standard daylight time?
If X was a debate forum, it would be quite heated in the daylight standard versus daylight savings time crowd.
I think your stance on this argument really depends on where you live. The further north you are, the less daylight you get in the winter months.
I am a pro “keep it on daylight savings time” person. Here in Kansas City, on the shortest days of the year, the sun isn’t up until 7:45ish am, and it sets at 4:50pm. Most of the winter I see little to zero daylight on my work days. I can also testify that the 4:50pm sunset is horrible for people with seasonal affective disorder. Having no daylight after work makes their depression worse. They aren’t getting any sun exposure. It also hampers people getting out and doing things when driving after dark isn’t advised due to their health limitations. People use the “but the kids are going to school in the dark if we stayed on savings time” as a compelling argument, but in the winter the kids are getting on the bus in the dark in Kansas City no matter if it is standard or savings time.
If we stayed on savings time, we would have daylight until 6pm in the winter. In the summer, I love the late evenings where the sun isn’t down until 9:30pm. Gives people a change to be outdoors when it cools off but isn’t dark yet.
So I am curious what all of you think! I know a few of you are in Arizona where you stay on standard time year round and don’t flip the clocks. Those of you who fall back and spring forward, aside from it taking a week to adjust (no different than traveling to a different time zone honestly), do you prefer standard or savings time? As in the overall benefits or negatives to it aside from the week it takes to get used to the new time. I look forward to what you all think!
Standard time. Duh!! Standard time is the Sun's time. Sun straight above? Noon. Ability to use a sun dial. How ill informed having a sundial point to 1 and say it's noon!
As an Arizona native who never changes clocks, I can’t grasp why everyone else does! 😅