Is it possible to show where this data came from? I tried finding Dr. Loupis on Twitter, but as you might guess, she has been suspended. On Instagram, she has lots of "sexy" photos of herself and her fake boobs and fake lips. She is an odd character, but that doesn't mean her numbers are wrong. I would just like to know where they came from.

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Yes. At the top of the post is the link to all of the data. I will add it here for you as well! https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/products-eurostat-news/-/ddn-20220916-1

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Thank you. Sorry my eyes skipped right over it. :)

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That sounds terrifying.

First she’s slammed with Hard Censorship followed by an Instagram page filled with fake boobs, and lips?

How far are we away from that?

A.I. Artificial Intelligence already has the ability to create an entire video of you If they have a single image.

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Yep. I am glad you mentioned this…..people don’t realize how many AI, CGI, green screen nonsense we see on the daily basis. So many things are deep fakes!

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