The possibility that some may have got a jab aside, I have observed plenty of youngers ones obsessively dosing their small hands with toxic hand sanitiser.

Given the different surface area to weight ratio of adults, I thought they were setting themselves up for something like this.

Add in an equal amount of obsessive hand washing with liquid soap, possibly also sanitised, aka detergent & the strong likelihood of poor rinsing = more absorption = more liver stress.

Couple that with masks = low blood oxygen = higher blood acid = more liver strain plus poor nutrition and not enough quality water, I'd say it was inevitable.

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I completely agree! The benzene in hand sanitizers that we obsessed over during all of 2020 did us no favors here!!! Definitely transdermal absorption of those chemicals! Add in the obsessive use of sunscreens on kids too…..several name brands have come out with carcinogens and dangerous chemicals. Heck, even other vaccines kids get can contribute! I totally agree with your suggestions here!

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