Much like the Pfizer data drop updates each month, this is also an evolving story that will require follow ups down the road.
We will start with this article
Across the globe, children are becoming suddenly deathly ill. Acute hepatitis. The week of April 15th, the United States issued an alert that they were seeing an “alarming” rate of kids developing hepatitis, with cases dating back to October, 2021. Per the April 27th article, “So far across the world, 190 mystery cases of acute hepatitis in children have been reported, with 140 of them in Europe, mostly in the UK (110 cases). Further cases have been found in Israel and in the United States. Seventeen children became so sick they needed liver transplants. (Mind you, these are numbers we KNOW of.). This article blamed the sudden deadly illness in children aged 2 months to 16 years old on “lockdowns reduced the natural immunity in children so previously healthy kids have compromised immune systems and circulating viruses like adenovirus are to blame”. Hmm.
In this article from April 15th, they discussed that several of these hepatitis cases were so severe that liver transplant was required. There had been 9 cases in Alabama alone in kids under age 6. Lab testing on these kiddos across the globe showed “no hepatitis A/B/C/D/E were diagnosed, so this is an autoimmune hepatitis not due to a hepatitis virus”. They are speculating it is the “adenovirus-41” causing this deadly phenomenon, which is odd, because that is a RESPIRATORY AND GASTRO ILLNESS known to cause the common cold, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. NOT AUTOIMMUNE HEPATITIS.
This article from April 23rd
Discusses “Severe hepatitis in previously healthy children isn’t common (it is downright rare to be honest here). What makes these cases of serious liver inflammation more unusual is that they haven’t been caused by the typical culprits — the hepatitis viruses labeled A through E that are the most common causes of the condition. Instead, suspicion has centered on an unexpected suspect — an adenovirus, specifically adenovirus type 41. At least 74 of the affected children have tested positive for adenovirus infection and molecular testing has turned up evidence of adenovirus 41 in 18 of those children. Authorities have ruled out any possibility that Covid vaccines might have been involved in these cases. (I believe this zero. Because they wouldn’t tell us even if it was the cause).The “vast majority” of the children were not vaccinated, the WHO statement said. Define vast majority. I would like to see the numbers of those vaccinated versus those not who developed autoimmune hepatitis.
And here comes the deflection.
Pebody said a “number of hypotheses are on the table”. Because the illness the children have manifested doesn’t mesh with what has been previously associated with adenovirus 41, scientists are studying the virus to see if it has undergone changes that might explain the new behavior. (Highly doubtful that a common cold adenovirus is suddenly rapidly “NATURALLY” mutated to cause autoimmune liver failure). Another theory stems from the fact that these cases are being reported roughly two years into the Covid pandemic. Many of the affected children will have had fewer colds and other infections over the past couple of years, because of social distancing and mask wearing. That may have left them more susceptible to developing severe illness when they encountered germs. HUGE deflection here. Masks have done NOTHING to stop the transmission of germs, much less covid virus. The cloth and surgical masks that kids wear do NOTHING to stop any of the cooties from passing to each other. The microns of any virus are much smaller than the pores on cloth and surgical masks. Nevermind the gapping of masks around noses and mouths that kids wear. If something is transmitted by aerosols in the air, none of the masks kids wore prevented exposure or transmission. Also, why was this not an issue when kids FIRST went back to school post covid lockdown? Kids were back in school the fall of 2020, then virtual over the holidays, and back in person spring 2021. Last summer most people lived life normally WITHOUT masks. Soooooo…….the assumption that ALL KIDS have been locked down for 2 years not exposed to any cooties and have zero immunity to respond to a cold virus is pure deflection and untrue. Kids were playing team sports in the winter of 2020 AND 2021!
So lets look at some statistics here. We have 129 cases that we know of, globally, and 74 tested positive for adenovirus, but only 18 had the adenovirus 41 virus. Soooooo, that means that 111 of these cases were NOT adenovirus 41. And 55 cases were in kids that were NOT adenovirus positive. 17 kids needed a LIVER TRANSPLANT?!?! That is a seriously deadly case of autoimmune hepatitis. One child has died (that we know of). While adenovirus may be a contributing factor here (possibly, the mainstream media came to that conclusion awfully fast in my opinion), it clearly is not the main or sole culprit here. What else is causing kids to go into liver failure?
The possibility that some may have got a jab aside, I have observed plenty of youngers ones obsessively dosing their small hands with toxic hand sanitiser.
Given the different surface area to weight ratio of adults, I thought they were setting themselves up for something like this.
Add in an equal amount of obsessive hand washing with liquid soap, possibly also sanitised, aka detergent & the strong likelihood of poor rinsing = more absorption = more liver stress.
Couple that with masks = low blood oxygen = higher blood acid = more liver strain plus poor nutrition and not enough quality water, I'd say it was inevitable.