Makes me wonder about puppy shots too. My puppy got 2 sets and she still got parvovirus anyway. After she recovered the vet wanted her to have another…WUT? She was now immune. Right?

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Amish children don’t take vaccines and they don’t get autism.

They are a great control group

To show the difference?

In my opinion that’s reason enough to stop this practice and see in coming years if the autism and other injuries are reduced or eliminated? How can you argue against the numbers?

Profit and propaganda appear to run this country?

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ALL of these “quackcenes” are unnecessary. First became aware in 1985 of how vile this vaxxxsin “industry” really was, is & continues to be. I was studying at that time, initially the whole corrupted ADA garbage (silver amalgam fillings - Mercury, fluoride treatments - oh yeah, you’ll have hard teeth, but a rottening brain, the whole root canal crapola. I have NEVER once had any dentist suggest the reduction of sugar in the diet, & dietary changes. Not once, not ever. Disgusting industry also.)

The propaganda & the need to make more & more $$$ just to enjoy a really nice “lifestyle” & the world’s goods to try & satisfy our soul’s craving to fill a void is ever present.

Only Jesus can satisfy our soul & make our thinking whole.

But, instead…Drugs, surgeries, injections & cosmetics are the method of choice to try & make us “better”.

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Thank you, Jennifer, for at least trying to shine the light into this darkness.

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