This article hurts my heart. But. Putting it into context, this was measured in Washington DC only, so there is hope.
They are proudly touting that hep B vaccines rates have risen again in newborns. Among babies born IN the hospital. In DC. They were panicking a bit that the rates were dropping prior to the pandemic. I fully suspect that they used covid as a scare tactic to get babies vaccinated at birth during the “pandemic”.
Babies do NOT NEED hep B shots. Reading this makes me so angry. The propaganda to jab babies with unnecessary vaccines is disgusting.
Makes me wonder about puppy shots too. My puppy got 2 sets and she still got parvovirus anyway. After she recovered the vet wanted her to have another…WUT? She was now immune. Right?
Amish children don’t take vaccines and they don’t get autism.
They are a great control group
To show the difference?
In my opinion that’s reason enough to stop this practice and see in coming years if the autism and other injuries are reduced or eliminated? How can you argue against the numbers?
Profit and propaganda appear to run this country?