Last winter I discussed how my reverse osmosis machine water quality numbers changed. Here we go again. Does this mean anything? I don’t know. But I do know that I would NOT be drinking unfiltered public water right now.
My reverse osmosis machine “input water” has been running 420-470 since late March/early April. But last fall/winter, sometime in mid September, the numbers began to climb into the 500’s, then the 600’s, and for a period of time they were in the 700’s. They remained in the 600-700’s for a few months, and then started dropping again in early spring. At the same time as the input water quality went to total trash, we were inundated with sick people in our metro area. About the time that my RO machine numbers started to drop, so did the number of people reporting they were sick/had recently been sick.
So here we are again. Anything above 300 is not considered great drinking water. Ideally, you want water under 150 to be considered good quality water. At the end of August, numbers began creeping up. It started climbing into the low 500’s. By the end of last week, it was in the high 500’s. This week, I have filtered 3 pitchers and they were 590, 609, and tonight (9-14) they were 622. Steadily climbing all week.
The Missouri River is our primary water source, we have not had significant rainfall lately, no big storms, etc. Temperatures have remained steady and early fall-like in the upper 70’s to low 80’s. This water that goes into the RO machine is tap water straight from my kitchen faucet. The same water that you would put your cup under to get water from my fridge water dispenser. The same water that you would use to cook and to shower in. This wasn’t a bucket of water straight from the river.
I may sound like a conspiracy theorist, but if illness rates start going up exponentially in the next week or so, I am going to be super suspect. With the deployment of a new “covid jab”, is it time to make people sick again from their water source? Most people do not filter their water like we do at my house.
I would stay far away from tap water unless you have a reverse osmosis or similar filtering system. Stay healthy.
Interesting. I have municipal water here in Stuart, Florida. We use a Berkey filter for drinking water. I have a well in the backyard for irrigation water. I am curious about the TDS ( Total Dissolved Solids ) - I found an article:
I need to investigate and see what we have coming in to the home here. Thanks Jennifer. Peace.
You can check your municipal water and once you see how contaminated it is you will find a way to filter it. I also have a very hard time eating out at restaurants knowing I’m likely consuming products and drinks made with that cities water.