In South Australia the only state that still counts V status of hospitalised, the 3x lot are about 60% of the population yet they have hovered around 70% of the admissions for months. Unfortunately CovidLive does not differentiate the unV'd from the 1s & 2s, who are 95% injected, and that sits at around 25%.

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Where does it show unvaccinated are the most tested? Just for all the covidiots who will rebuttal with that

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If you go to the website and click through the 5 pages it shows percentages tested.

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Can you provide the source for unvaccinated being the most tested.

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Sorry Kale I stand corrected. I am not sure you can still get to that weeks data on the website. I tried and i was unable to go back to the week i linked in the post. I did look at this current weeks data on there and the unvaccinated are currently the second highest group tested. The 3 doses more than 5 months ago took the top tested spot this most current week.

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Go to the Walgreens link and click through the 5 slides. Click on percentages.

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