Excellent work once again. I went from being gainfully employed in a job I loved to out of a job little more than a year later for refusing the jab. I appreciate your column a great deal, along with the others who stand with you against the tyranny of our government and big corporations who put this on us.

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I was in Florida on vacation with my husband and two of my college age kids.( One graduated that spring. Virtually. ) My husband and I own and operate quick service retail restaurants aka fast food. He was on the phone trying to figure out if we were going to stay open or not. Drive throughs saved our butts. And I know… “it was all about health” 🙄 ) Because I am such a Cassandra and also because I am a nerdy researcher /history geek I knew in my gut that “ Slow the Curve” was a first assault in the first fully memetic war against us all. I remember saying to my husband “ Buckle Up Buttercup.” He did not appreciate that. Nor should he have. A few weeks after “just two weeks” had rolled into ‘ HIDE IN YOUR BASEMENT SERF’ I found a McKinsey paper that was openly telling its demographic that Lockdowns would last in earnest until June at least etc…. So at that point I understood that this was a well planned , strategically designed, long term attack on Western Civ.

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Great observation, Mcc... I knew almost immediately it was a sham, as well, as I worked at a small psych hospital in an area that was populated with medical and doctors’ offices, skilled nursing facilities, a large emergency hospital, etc.

When we’d take our residents out for supervised n’hood walks, EVERY SINGLE MEDICAL OFFICE had the “Heroes Work Here!” posters all over the place. No way is that organic... it had to be planned.

Been awake since reading Codex Alimentarius over 20 years ago, and it sharpened my spidey-senses to a fine point. This has been a colossal pile of BS.

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Hmm, I had to go back and look at my calendar. We had tix to a band I love from England (London Quireboys) who played a local venue on March 8 that normally holds about 250 people, only about half full, and the next day they announced they were cancelling remaining tour dates due to the virus. I was like, really!? The 14th was our town's Emerald Isle pub crawl, which they 'cancelled' on the 13th, but our friends and us showed up anyway, and every bar was packed. The strolling bagpipers told us that this was the only event they were booked for that had not cancelled them, so they strolled through the afternoon. My appt to donate blood on the 16th went on as scheduled, remember there being a full house for that. I had coffee with a prospective client on the 17th, and our local PAC met as scheduled on the 18th. After that, nada, welcome to zoom world. So it took a few days for the fear to set in for many. I can't remember exactly when our '15 days to slow (later replaced with stop) the spread' kicked in. But am self employed and I do remember all my prospective or current projects being cancelled and my commission sales rep husband not being able to make sales calls all during April. The scariest part of the whole thing was seeing all of our income disappear. Concert ticket and event refunds was our largest source of income in April. So yeah, have forgotten the exact date they pulled the rug out from under us, but will NEVER forget the insanity that prevailed, and the loss of friends who I had previously thought I respected. Never gave into the fear, but definitely a new tribe and new outlook post March whatever.

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You can't really believe this.

Sorry, but in pockets and parts of the world, there have been semi normal days since.

I will grant you, that at times that "normal" has felt wrong and contrived, especially in the wake of so many other places not having normal days. But in June/July of 2020, I started going back to bars and restaurants. The mask mandates didn't last in those either. At least here in Georgia where our governor thought to have it both ways...recommend masks without mandating them. And I guess that is how you deal with a state you believe is "purple."

As far as "not hating one another yet" that's just not true. We were hating one another, before Covid hit. Don't you remember the term "deplorable?" Do you think it was just some odd term meant for no one in particular? There was already censorship, and cancelling going on. This fear/panic/hate was the culmination of years of a narrative that clearly had a break with reality.

Sorry, but we already had divided the world with social propaganda. There was one half of the country that didn't like being preached to, that their values were anachronistic and prejudicial. Another half of the country thought that our government was being led by an orange member of the white tyrannical patriarchy. They believed that this person was a fascist, but the irony escaped them that if they truly lived under such a government, that they could not easily say such things.

I agree with you March 13th means something. It's far more devestating than 9/11. But to say this marks the beginning and end of something isn't that easy to do. I will say it was the beginning of panic. Notice how we don't often quote or paraphrase "Those who would give over freedom for the promise of safety will get neither." We have to recognize this for what it is, but that too we also had frittered away over the years.

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Thank you for your perspective! Professionally and personally, it was the end of normal for me. I realize it may be different for others, but it was the 90 degree hard right turn for my life in more ways than I can count.

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Make no mistake, it did end a lot for me as well. Before March 13th I was a self-appointed libertarian without really knowing what one was. I ignored the Obama years, and for the most part didn't care about the Trump years. My vote in 2016 was out of spite. I was told by the mainstream media I could only vote for one person, that any other choice was wrong. I also had no respect for a woman that would abide a husband who behaved in the way he did. It made me wonder what sort of "faucery" she would endure for our country as well. I often mocked the "firsts" in our country's history, but to take a page from their playbook, I didn't want our first female President to be that person.

My life took a 180 turn, I went from playing way too many video games, to only "moderately" looking for writing/graphic design work to spending the majority of my day searching for confirmation of reality.

Some people would say that I was looking for things to confirm my confirmation bias. But for me, I already knew the virus was here in late 2019, and all this fear and panic was "wrong" in the context of what I was seeing. Especially since I knew the panic already existed, months earlier in China. The panic felt contrived and didn't jive with what I was seeing around me. People were getting sick, but it wasn't the 5% they were projecting in the Ferguson models.

I found Tom Woods along the way. I watched "Perspectives of the Pandemic" and heard the words of Gnut Wittkowski and these things sounded "true" to me. I kept hearing one thing, but seeing a reality of another thing. I think the major difference on March 13th is they were forcing me to participate in their imaginary narrative. As someone who writes fiction, I recognized how false and irrational this fiction was. I'm not denying that things changed for you. You are right in many ways, just not necessarily "what started to change" on that day.

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I knew this was an "operation" instantly. I knew the people of this country would believe. I knew they would cave. I knew they would scorn those who tried to share the obvious. Prior experience and observation taught me this.

Specifically, I knew that since the people of this country bought the utter absurdity of the crime syndicate's official Sep 11 story -- and willingly gave up their natural rights (supposedly) protected by the 4th Amendment -- that they would do the same over a respiratory infection they might or might not get. And demand that I do so. Just as they did when warrantless searches and the removal of an article of clothing became the "standard" for getting on a commercial airliner.

To your point about "hate," you're exactly right. Being in Massachusetts at the time, I knew that the "loving" lefties there (which is virtually all that's there) would indulge their innate viciousness under cover of sanctimony. I'd been on the receiving end of it for years when simply standing up for individual rights...They know nothing of this -- and they're proud of it in "the cradle of liberty."

I've never worn a snot pouch; never will. No shot, no test, no "COV!D," no sick. In three years. And counting.

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Well you are lucky. I still have to wear the snot pouch when taking my mom to some of her doctor appointments, although I never wore them in stores and never got called out for it, although I got the stink eye from more than a few people but no one cussed me out or confronted me. I had covid in late Dec/early Jan of 2020, and tested positive for the antibodies in Dec 2020, have not been sick since. Even after being around friends who later 'tested positive' and told me 'oh you'd better test'! I was like, why?! SMDH.

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What do you mean, I'm "lucky," Donna?

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Lucky you never had to wear a snot pouch. I did have to, although mostly in medical situations where turning around and walking out was not an option. Although it is kind of funny. My mom was in a NH for rehab in Jan of this year. They 'required' masks, so I would put it on, and pull it down to my chin. No one ever said anything to me. Technically, I was wearing it, but not properly. About half of the staff was the same way. The other half kept it up the entire time, but never called me out for my mask infraction.

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Ah! Yes, those fine "Americans" in the no longer "Live Free or Die" state of NH. We had a small house there in far northern NH. We escaped there until we sold everything and moved to FL.

As for "medical" situations? These last three years have confirmed for me my low opinion of most of them. I have dedicated my life to avoiding them, only submitting to seeing them if I sustain an injury. That happened in 2017. Time before that was 2003, and it was then that I decided to only see one of these "white coats" if I were injured. Otherwise, with rare exception, these are very dangerous people. They think otherwise, of course, but any trained "medical" professional should absolutely know beyond doubt that snot pouches are useless -- except for maybe intercepting snot and isn't that what we have tissues for?

BTW, these fine Granite Staters should know -- had they read Doofus Sununu's "order" on these useless things that essentially no one had to wear a snot pouch. Ever. But who bothers to read anymore or simply stand on principle and tell these losers in their scrubs to pound sand?

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Well my mom is 84 and lots of dr appts. She doesn't drive any more so I would take her and hold my tongue about the masks, just to keep the peace. She was a believer although I think she is coming around.

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Most of us didn't get away with not wearing masks. I wore masks a lot in hospital corridors, but not in my room during my four month stay. I also wore masks on uber rides and in hospital waiting rooms. I've known they weren't effective because of how many previous flu seasons I wore a mask. I kept the one mask I was issued at the hospital and wore it for almost a year before losing it. My plan now is to peacefully not comply until they furnish me a mask in each place that still requires one.

To speak to the sanctimony, I have lost friends to this, but they blocked me, not the other way around. I never brought up the subject of masks, social justice, orange tyrannical patriarchy, etc. on social media but when they did, and they did early and often, I would speak the truth if for no other reason than they needed to know there were dissenting voices out there.

Two friends that stuck out were left leaning and were part of two different writing critique groups I once was a part of. The first friend posted about "wearing the damn mask." And I took him to task. I think I mentioned Sweden, the Danish study, and all the previous flu seasons not wearing masks. The final thing he said to me before blocking me was that "he would wear green underwear on his head if he was told it would prevent the spread."

The other one before the pandemic was a Trump hater. And to be honest, was on board with many of the narratives perpetuated by the mainstream media before Covid hit. I wasn't a hige fan of his, but he was a prolofic writer, churning out a lot of fiction each year. I was impressed by his work ethic, and he also used this part of his life to go on cruises. Something of course he never did once Covid hit because of his orthodoxy. When Desmet smoke of how "mass formation" supplants all individual desire and places all emphasis on ridding the world of the "fear" I think of this person.

His social media posts post pandemic were riddled with photos of businesses that did not properly "mask up" He would complain how mechanics would approach his car outside without wearing a mask, and would post photos of the business to shame them. In truth, he brought shame to himself.

I told him about masks, about the true IFR, about Sweden. He got a bug up his buttocks about Sweden, and eventually realizing I was a lost cause, and probably a closet MAGA hat wearing white supremacists (I am actually a libertarian) he blocked me. Both these friends had friends who called me names and villified me before the blocking took place, and I was used to it, would even repeat the names they called me back to them.

I didn't get the vaccine. I never tested for Covid except when admitted to the hospital (tested negative), but swear I had it twice. I also eat food after it hits the ground.

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For me it was more of mutual cancellations. Bailed on get-togethers, called me 'unsafe', or loaded their social media feed with virtue signaling. The worst was a friend since the 80's, yeah, a Trump hating liberal, but we had always found a way to not go there. Weird she never fully bought the fear crap, but all in on the Russian collusion, xenophobia, and 'fascist' arguments, and my standing up for Jan 6 people was the last straw for her. Posted a hateful rant on my timeline and I just decided it was over. Sent her a card when her grandma died, and she texted me a thank you but we haven't talked in 2 years now. Spent an inordinate amount of time trying to talk people off the ledge in 2020 with real data, but after Jan 2021, I got off social media for 6 months, and when I came back, just went heavy on the delete button (the 'got my shot' profile pic was a great clue). Done trying and have instead focused on productive activities, like working to support sane candidates, getting to know all of my elected officials and holding them accountable for good policy (or trying anyway). Had to test once, before a colonoscopy, which I almost cancelled when I found out they required it, but sighed and gave in. And yeah, 5 second rule, unless it has cat hair on it, lol.

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I took screenshots of the "stay home/stay safe/vaccinated" frames on the Facebook accounts tears ago because I thought to myself they weren't going to age well. They aren't. I just don't know if they know how "over" this vaccine/mask/ thing is. Maybe because we are "ruled by incompetence" it will continue in spite of the train continuing to go off th cliff. Certainly there are still those out there that hold onto the narrative in spite of VAERS and Cochrane report.

I am very disappointed in many of our political officials. If it was up to me, I would dismantle a lot of government. I think simply enforcing the Constitution should get rid of a lot of it. If I was in office, my default position would be to vote against just about anything save any legislation voting to repeal, dismantle, or get rid of something, then I would vote for that.

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Guess I should have saved screenshots. But I mostly just unfollowed or unfriended.

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I saw it right away too. Being from Massachusetts and seeing the madness there through the years - the last three years have been a literal repeat of the worst parts of history and human behavior, all fueled by ignorance and stupidity - it's that simple. Protect yourself at all times; like Vera Sharav says, " There are no allies coming to save us this time". Peace. :-)

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Thanks Jennifer. Milestone record for posterity.

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Another thoughtful piece. I remember PDJT saying the 2 week thing, then he was pressured to wait for Easter, then Mother's Day and finally 4th of July. He seemed so torn...wanting to open back up, knowing what was at risk but being pushed by Fauci, Brix et al. When someone isn't a medical professional and is told he MUST listen to the "best experts on earth," it must be so difficult when your instints are SCREAMING against what you're being told but are erring on the side of caution based on their recommendations. Things were accomplished in Herculean time/efforts only to find out that Governors and others chose to ignore those efforts...no matter, just because it was PDJT.

DO I like that PDJT is still supporting the vax NO. I suspect it is hard for him to admit that the efforts to get them OUT (because "he'd be killing granny" if he didnt) are not being given credit. That the vaxes are proving to be bad is on FAUCI, Pfizer etc. THEY are the ones who are responsible for this WHOLE pile of crap. 😡

Sorry for the rambling rant...it's early, the time change always messes with my brain and not enough coffee yet! 😕

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I get your point, Mary Ellen, but natural human rights lie beyond the reach of all, including PDJT. It mattered not if people were dropping in the streets -- and they weren't and they didn't. Each and every one of us had the right to make our own decisions on this. Not PDJT. Not Ron DeSantis, not some city councilor, etc., etc. 𝑨𝒍𝒍 violated their Constitutional oaths, including PDJT.

All and sundry had the right to crap their pants, hide in their basements, and wrap their heads in plastic if they wanted, but 𝑵𝑶 𝑶𝑵𝑬 had the right or authority to order me to do so or to do 𝒂𝒏𝒚 of what was done. The presence or absence of medical knowledge is also irrelevant. The failure to recognize and howl in protest over this by the people of this country shall live in infamy.

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100% - perfect. :-)

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I have to somewhat disagree...what you focus seems to be is lockdowns. SOME (including PDJT) were AGAINST mandates of any type. Promoting vaccines is one thing while MANDATING/enforcing lockdowns and vaccines is another whole thing IMO. Restricting our abilities to CHOOSE what meds we wanted to try was criminal and I think possibly lead to more deaths than fewer.

The public and DOJ reaction to the last protest of wrongs, may have had something to do with WHY more didn't react. Our protest was in defiance rather than overt protest. I know mine was. No mask, no vax, ivermectin on hand while upping my immune vitamins.

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I addressed lockdown because I took that as the point of Dr. Brown's post -- life before and life after lockdown. Do you disagree that natural human rights lie beyond the reach of all?

What PDJT did not do -- and I get all the reasons -- was make a statement about what the criminal Mendacious Midget™ and criminal Scarf Lady™ advocated -- lockdown. Utterly unlawful, completely unconstitutional. Even Ron DeSantis understood that he had no authority to order shutdowns of any kind, but he did it anyway!!!

As for "protesting," the time for that was when the criminal governors "ordered" lockdowns and shutdowns. You can, Mr. Fancy Pants governor, suggest people stay home and businesses close (both absurd, of course), but you cannot order it. 𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒕 was the time to "protest" by simply ignoring these law-breaking idiots.

Imagine the country had "the people" defended it? By simply defending individual and natural rights and ignoring the "orders" of doofuses in corner offices across the "fruited plain." Simply, peacefully saying no. Yet, the majority couldn't even muster that -- or at a minimum -- a sufficient minority who recognized the unlawful and acted accordingly.

Instead? Obedience. Obedience brought the snot pouches. Obedience brought the crushing of 100,000 businesses. Obedience brought the shot mandates. Obedience brought the loss of the 2020 election by Trump. Obedience brought the crushing of young people -- a crime by the "adults" in the room I shall remember forever. Ironically, obedience brought us Jan 6.

But. Those of us who knew? We knew. We knew what "the people" would do. We tried, initially, but to no avail, of course. "The people" made this bed, and now they get to lie in it.

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Can't disagree with about 98% (I never agree with anyone,100% on principle ;-) ).

Those who protested on J6 were the first sign that some will never be obedient. The left and government SHOULD BE SCARED but not for the reason they think. As many are beginning to see...it wasn't as portrayed by the MSM.

I'm also hoping the Twitter Files will continue to expose how "hoodwinked" the sheep were. I know the hard left (my sisters) will never admit that they were fooled...a human failure to feel that they can't admit they were wrong. I hope that I never get that way.

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PDJT is a liar, coward, and an egotistical idiot. He's the "president" that signed the vaccine "improvement" order that brought the world mRNA shots. I, a layperson, know more than PDJT will ever know about the criminal enterprise he foisted on the world through the DOD, HHS - a LOT of people know more than he did or does! It's sickening to think that ANY "governor" or SG or AG can choose to stop the carnage RIGHT NOW - but they will not. Why? Because they are weak, pathetic, ignorant shells who care about money - period. The EUA ( which we are STILL under ) has enabled all the madness. It is a testament to human stupidity that there are very few people out there who understand the extent of what is going on, and even less that will take action to stop it. Our "leaders" betrayed us and our country.

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Amen, Steve.

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Ha. Let's hold our breath to see uniparty members compare it to 12.7.43, 9.11.01, 1.6.21...well, maybe 60% of them for 1.6.21.

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I thought that Americans would rise up en masse after the first "two week" extension.

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I agree!!!! The compliance level of our fellow mankind was appalling! And the consequences they set forward because of it has been a freaking dumpster fire. 🤦🏼‍♀️

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The modern version of “the day that would live in infamy,” but the damage didn’t happen all at once.... it was a slow roll-out of damage done, boiling frog style.

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Thanks Jennifer. I agree - 100%. Little did we know that our country, and many others, decided to go to war against their own citizens. Absolute pieces of shit we have for "leaders" - their day will come; guaranteed. Have a great day. Peace. :-)

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