March 13th, 2020. Friday the 13th that year. I would guess that for many of us, this is “THE DAY” that we all realized the world we knew was changing. This was the day that lockdowns started to trickle across the country. Kids were sent home with their chrome books and told “we may be out of school for a couple weeks”. Workers were told to take their work computers home because “we aren’t sure what is happening with this corona virus thing”. This is what happened at my house. Two days later, things had escalated rapidly over the weekend and I had an emergency teleconference with my business partners on a Sunday night about how to launch telehealth ASAP, as we were being threatened with a county-wide lockdown within a few days. Back in the “pre pandemic” days, telehealth wasn’t even allowed in my specialty.
“Two weeks to flatten the curve”
“We have to protect our elderly and fragile”
“We are all in this together”
Very few of us realized on 3-13-20 that THAT DAY was the last semi-normal day we would know. A day where masks did not exist, lockdowns and social distancing were not yet known, and a covid vaccine was only known to DOD and Moderna. We still had innocence. We didn’t all hate each other yet. We had not divided our country with social propaganda, health warfare, and genocide. What we know now is that this was the test launch of compliance. How far can we push people into submission? I remember getting many texts and phone calls asking me “is this thing really bad? Am I gonna get it and die?” I told everyone the same thing: I think we are making a really big deal out of a respiratory illness, do what you would do during any flu season and wash your hands and stay home if you don’t feel good, but this will pass in a few weeks and we will all be ok”. Boy was I wrong on that last part. I was yelled at by a patient for “minimizing how severe covid is”. That patient apologized a few months later when they realized they had been hoodwinked with the propaganda.
March 13th is the bar I set for many of my patients. We measure “that day” and “present day”. That day was traumatic for kids who suddenly lost their social group, their education, their meals at school. That day was the catalyst to mental health crises in kids, deterioration of education and a 2 year loss of learning, kids never going back to a classroom. We do not know how many kids are just lost in the system and never returned to school. And not because their parents chose home schooling. We do not know where some kids are even at right now. Dropped out, moved, unknown location. School’s used to be great “tracking” for kids, especially those that are in fragile situations. We no longer implemented truancy rules, and if a kid never re-enrolled we didn’t bother to ask why. This is scary.
On March 13th, 2020, I thought we were going to have a bizarre spring and life would go back to “normal” by summer. For sure by the fall when school restarted. I was also severely wrong about that one.
March 13th. A day that will live in my memory as a clear line of demarcation of my life “before” and my life “after”.
Excellent work once again. I went from being gainfully employed in a job I loved to out of a job little more than a year later for refusing the jab. I appreciate your column a great deal, along with the others who stand with you against the tyranny of our government and big corporations who put this on us.
I was in Florida on vacation with my husband and two of my college age kids.( One graduated that spring. Virtually. ) My husband and I own and operate quick service retail restaurants aka fast food. He was on the phone trying to figure out if we were going to stay open or not. Drive throughs saved our butts. And I know… “it was all about health” 🙄 ) Because I am such a Cassandra and also because I am a nerdy researcher /history geek I knew in my gut that “ Slow the Curve” was a first assault in the first fully memetic war against us all. I remember saying to my husband “ Buckle Up Buttercup.” He did not appreciate that. Nor should he have. A few weeks after “just two weeks” had rolled into ‘ HIDE IN YOUR BASEMENT SERF’ I found a McKinsey paper that was openly telling its demographic that Lockdowns would last in earnest until June at least etc…. So at that point I understood that this was a well planned , strategically designed, long term attack on Western Civ.