How long until we discover the study where they did the aerosol "experiment" at a shopping mall, college campus, Fitness Center, etc. without informed consent?

Wouldn't be the first time@!@@@@!!!!


We all know the answer...

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If it can be sprayed it can be sprayed if you know what I mean.

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Exactly and it WILL BE sprayed.

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Yup. Terrifying thought isn’t it…….

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Back down memory lane we go: "I did my part" ... or worse yet, "I got my kids vaccinated, we did our part (accompanied by a picture of the 9 year old at zero risk of Covid getting her DNA changed forever)". Who could ever forget, "Pandemic of the unvaccinated" ... or "Our patience is nearing it's end". How about the elites saying, "Doctors should not treat the unvaccinated". Gee I wonder why this country is so divided. Of course it is the coastal elites versus the rest of us. The corrupt media never points out the lines at which we are divided. I just saw Ohio purged nearly 200,000 from their voter roles, democrats have really fine tuned their winning elections game. I am guessing Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia, Arizona, Nevada and Pennsylvania could do something similar. Of course these states have democrat legislatures, so they won't.

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Likely it's already a fait accompli in the swings.

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At the onset of the plandemic a famous study (peer reviewed and with controls) in a number of nursing homes in Spain showed marked reduction in transmission and mortality with frequent saline nasal lavage. It was a controlled study, suppressed and ignored of course. This simple measure combined with such as preventing Blue state governors from forcing the return of hospital patients to their nursing home and implementation of the Barrington Declaration would have saved far more lives than experimental gene therapy.

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I didn't comply before and will NEVER again. I'll take my chances. DO NOT COMPLY

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I never took any chances with c****.

Back in March, 2020, the death rate, which I computed from CNN's friendly chyron, was 0.03%.

And the computation never varied.

Based on that number, and my health, when the Fauchi ouchy was released, I did not even consider accepting the phony "cure" as, first, I had already had the disease, and according to historical virology, was now IMMUNE, and second, there was, in my opinion, ZERO benefit for me, or most people who did not have three or more co-morbidities.

I do not apologize for my decision, and will continue to witness to those lost souls who blindly trust in, and worship at the altar of the needle.

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I tried to warn people. I listened to Dr. Cole early on, he made me think and research, thank goodness.

I have never had much confidence in many doctors and even less now..

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I am fortunate to have a sane doctor.

He is required to "ask the questions", but he accepts my answers without trying to brow-beat me, unlike my (now former) cariologist who told me "I never want to see you again" after I told him "NO" to the question - that was two years ago.

I love my doctor (five years now) and we've quietly spoken about the stress he's under to push the "approved" products and the mandated questions he is forced to answer under penalty of losing his license.

He just wants to be a GP. Nothing more. Nothing less.

I understand the pressure he's under. He's 3 yrs younger than me, already had the heart attack at 59 and has three kids in college.

I am not looking forward to finding a new doctor when he has to move on.

Unfortunately, there are certain meds I have not been able to avoid.

I know God will provide the next one when necessary, as just like when Elijah despaired, God told him: There are 7,000 of mine who have not bowed their knees to Baal nor kissed him.

Keep the faith!

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My former doctors office (25 years) kicked me to the curb for not wearing a mask or getting the Jab. That was 2021 and I haven't been able to find a decent doctor that is taking new patients. Thank goodness, I'm seldom sick but I AM having typical "getting older" stuff that probably should be looked at. 😕

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Maybe we could call the squirt up the nose “COVID Waterboarding”?

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LMAO covid waterboarding 😂. Accurate.

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Hello Jennifer. I was trying to click on that bottled water heavy-metal testing four minute video that you’ve done in the past. When I go to click on it, it doesn’t work anymore and I wondered if there was another link I could use? It was very impacting and I wanted to show my husband the video.

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