Washington University in St. Louis wants your nose……as in, they want to vaccinate for covid via nasal mist instead of the injectable in your arm.
Rationale? The nose/throat/mouth are where viruses replicate rapidly and make you ill.
Ahem……hey Washington University…..wanna know another great way to reduce replication of viruses in the oropharynx region? Povidone iodine nasal spray and hydrogen peroxide gargle. Doesn’t require any experimental crap, doesn’t require a shot of lord knows what up the nose, and can be used daily.
If the vaccine is an arm dart, are we going to call this the nasal water gun?
At least they are now admitting the covid vaccines did nothing to prevent transmission of illness or from getting sick. Lord knows we all remember THAT tripe they trotted out in 2021. “Get your shot and you won’t get sick or spread the virus”. Uh huh.
How long until we discover the study where they did the aerosol "experiment" at a shopping mall, college campus, Fitness Center, etc. without informed consent?
Wouldn't be the first time@!@@@@!!!!
We all know the answer...
If it can be sprayed it can be sprayed if you know what I mean.