Incredible what the last three years have revealed about humans.

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Yeah, that about sums it up. Here I am at the ripe old age of 71 learning that logic and rational thought play no role in how the world is governed.

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Given the overwhelming and irrefutable proof that these mRNA products cause serious injuries, illnesses and deaths to huge numbers of young adults and teens, I'm in favor of charging all universities that still have vaccine mandates with attempted assault and murder.

I doubt this would happen, but it would send a clear and powerful message if any DA had the courage to file such charges.

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Aren't colleges supposed to be full of smart people?

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That is the story we have been sold! They certainly do love to throw their credentials out if you dare challenge them on anything. 😎

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“ the wristband shows our COLLECTIVE support ...”

That word.

It’s made a huge uptick in administrative missives and journalistic screeds in the past decade. Covid sent it screeching from on high. Imho it reveals all.

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All the original shots are supposed to be off the market now. So how do you even comply with getting the original two mRNA or 1 J&J? Now they say instead just get one mRNA bivalent shot. It is not based on science, preventing illness/transmission, and there is no data to support this approach. Meanwhile how many students have been found mysteriously dead, suffering medical emergencies or dying suddenly on all these campuses.

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Exactly right. Very happy that my alma mater never had a mandate and that the school my kids went to had a mandate for about 2 months ... we got an exemption. We also ran our governor out of office. The schools in this list are totally blind to the truth which does not speak highly of any education they may (or may not) be providing.

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Wow. I studied at the MIT and dropped out in the 1980's. They have gone woke. Such stupidity. Peace.

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Sadly mine is on the list as well, Oglethorpe University.

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