Have a gander at this list. These are US colleges that still have a proof of vaccine mandate on the books. Notice that many of these are not public institutions, they are private schools. I am embarrassed that my undergrad alma mater in on this list. The ONLY university in the entire state of Missouri to require them. I will say that while checking out ol William Jewell, they do offer exemptions for the vaccine. But back in the fall of 2021, they were requiring the vaccinated to wear YELLOW WRISTBANDS to identify who was vaxxed or not, along with pins that said “I wear my mask to protect you”. It is clearly not “The Billy” that I attended back in the 2000’s. Or maybe it is and I just didn’t let them rot my brain with their agenda.
How do you end this nonsense? You don’t pay them. Attend any of the other hundreds to thousands of colleges without a vaccine mandate on the books and don’t require an exemption form to not vax.
Incredible what the last three years have revealed about humans.
Given the overwhelming and irrefutable proof that these mRNA products cause serious injuries, illnesses and deaths to huge numbers of young adults and teens, I'm in favor of charging all universities that still have vaccine mandates with attempted assault and murder.
I doubt this would happen, but it would send a clear and powerful message if any DA had the courage to file such charges.