When anything is incentivized to this extent, it leads to corruption. This is no different from the pharmaceutical sales rep giving doctors perks for prescribing their drugs. Disgusting. Thanks for the info Jennifer.
This is breathtaking information. The average Jane has no idea this is happening. No wonder these crooks just slipped so easily into jab pushing and lying. This is what they do. Changing up would force them to acknowledge how dirty they are already.
I just had a stupid wart removed that didn't even need to be removed. I had mentioned it to my doctor during a so-called physical that was not even a physical (he asked me what was wrong and needed to be checked - I thought he was supposed to check everything in a phsyical). He wanted to remove it so I said OK. Then he sent it for a biopsy, which I thought was weird because it was clearly just a basic wart. At the same physical he did a heart screening online with me even though my blood levels were great (blood sugar slightly elevated because of my cookie cravings). He suggested a statin because I am male and over 60. I said, Can I just exercise more, lose five pounds, and stop the cookies? He was unimpressed. Then his charting took several minutes. I was wondering why he was documenting so much. Now I know. They want me to get my ten year colonoscopy of course but I have been resisting because I am not jabbed and I do not trust hospitals now. They keep calling me. Now I know my doc does not get his incentive until I complete the procedure. I had tried to discuss gastro issues with my doc, that are largely minor and typical for a 62 year old man, at the physical and he was disinterested other than to say I must get the colonoscopy. I have been reading about the colonoscopy scam. I had gone to a gastro doc years ago and he billed me for a bunch of things at the consult that I did not ask for or authorize. When I objected to lack of informed consent they walked me down a hallway to Atilla the Hunness in a cubicle who cut off my testicles. She did her job well.
I have been writing about so called "prevention" for many years. It is not prevention. Prevention is lifestyle optimization. This is drug pushing and useless proceduring for cash.
There re so many things we could do to improve our own lives and the lives of our neighbors if we were not beholden to the almighty dollar and the industries that run our lives.
Thank God for you Jennifer. This is important work.
Bless you friend…….what you described here that happened to you is exactly their goal!! Back in 2020, my husband had a weird mole on his toe. Due to covid “lockdown”, it was 3 months to see derm. They took a scraping and it came back stage 1 melanoma. Genetic type, not sun exposure type. According to the derm’s “genetic report on the sample”. They did a radical flap surgical procedure on him and cancer was gone and good to go. He goes to derm every 6 months now for a “full body scan”. You can imagine how many “suspicious spots” have been removed and they are all completely benign. None of them looked like his malignant spot on his toe. But derm gets a nice surgical payout and patho lab gets a nice payout and every derm visit after insurance costs my husband about $300. And of course they play to the emotional side of this because we would want anything suspect to be caught early so we are now easy targets for removal and patho checks every time we go to derm. Interestingly enough, the melanoma spot when it was presented to the derm originally did not really trip any triggers and they did not even punch biopsy it. Just a shaving. But now every pencil tip sized spot is a “we better remove it”.
I obviously want my husband to remain cancer free and have no other recurring spots, but the “its genetic” determination (haven’t seen paperwork to verify that) obviously keeps our emotional barometer in heightened status and therefore do not question the derm when a spot needs to be “removed” rather than watch and wait. Ahhhh healthcare. 🤬
In this particular case, I feel that the dermatologist is only erring on the side of caution. In our litigation happy society, I’m sure many doctors become somewhat overzealous in their treatment to avoid any legal repercussions. I know that milking the insurance happens, but in your situation, as you stated, better safe than sorry.
I agree with you. I definitely want anything nefarious to be caught as early as the original one was, to keep the hubs healthy and cancer free.
What adds to the suspicion level for his case, which I should have added and didn’t, is that he was diagnosed with Acral Lentiginous melanoma, which occurs primarily on hands, feet, and under the finger/toenails. He had the same type of melanoma that took the life of Bob Marley. It generally is not found on the trunk/arms/legs/neck as it is not sun exposure induced. The spots we keep removing that are benign are not on hands or feet areas, they were on his upper back and one on his neck behind his ear. So that is where is starts to get a little suspicious. But most definitely I agree with you. I would rather capture something earlier than not. ❤️
I used to give doctors that out on so many things back when I trusted them implicitly. They were fodder for lawsuits... too many frivolous ones by unscrupulous lawyers.
But today I believe most are owned lock stock & barrel be Big Pharma.
I’m in the process of changing doctors for this very reason. Covid revealed the gullible, the owned, & the cowards.
Not one of my previous docs has apologized for pushing the injections &/or denying me access to HCQ or IVM.
I found whom I call “patriot doctors” who risked it all to treat my family & friends - by staying true to their Hippocratic Oaths taken.
As my husband has been saying for 𝒚𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒔, "It's a BUSINESS!" Thank you so much for the eye-watering evidence of this fact.
Since 1991, I have seen a doctor a total of four times. (I think I saw a doctor some time in the 80's when I was living in Brooklyn -- for a sore throat.) The fourth and last time was 2017 for a severe back injury. With info from an x-ray (and MRI, which I didn't even want), I took my recovery from there. No medications, no PCP "follow-up", no visit to the "back surgeon" that the physician assistant told me "my" PCP was recommending.
I have made it my business for decades to just stay away...to do everything possible to just stay away...
Great question! Who are the insurance providers in Canada for the government healthcare system? Do they delegate a private company to manage healthcare or is it all government run? That would be one place to look!
A retired university professor neighbor (admittedly not credible info source) told me this week that “droves of people are leaving Florida bc insurance companies are pulling out, leaving the state”... Jennifer are you aware of such, having done a deep dive in insurance companies criminal coercion and corroboration with health care providers?
I have not seen anything about this yet!! I will go digging…….Florida has always been a real honeypot for insurance due to the retirement population funneling their medicare dollars into their healthcare system. I will see what I can find! 😎
Thank you! Family in Florida had no answer for this question, but no wonder bc since when are “we the people” included in the government medical industrial mafia decisions... congress signing bills into law obviously weaponizing so called healthcare and taxes and bank bail outs against us, we the citizens, and now with the WHO treaty undoubtedly already signed by the so called elected class, begs the question... if all healthcare decisions including insurances et al., will be under the totalitarian control of this coup illegitimate regime WHO/WEF takeover megalith... what do we need representatives for!?!? Eliminate Washington, congress, the senate, the Washington bureaucracy period.
What a sneaky way to give payback to Florida for some sanity there.
But for all the meds we are led to believe we have to take perhaps insurance wouldn’t be necessary.
Years ago at an attorney’s conference Phyllis Schlafly (Eagle Forum) explained the insurance merry-go-round & how it led to exponential increases in medical care costs.
In the beginning we had only MAJOR MEDICAL insurance which covered only MAJOR expenses such as surgeries, hospitalization, births, the biggies.
Rest of expenses were on us...doc visits, meds.
Prices were manageable even for me & my husband from newlyweds to the time we were introduced to today’s type coverage of everything (but with hidden prices).
The 1st time I saw a doc & was told I owed only a co-pay .... what?
Then had prescription filled, checkbook ready. What? Co-pay? I need pay only $5??
Mrs. Schflaly then showed how every expense medical increased dramatically after years & years of stability.
If insurance is covering it, who cares? That 3rd payer covers it not me. Yet.
She compared rise in medical costs in contrast to stable pricing for eyewear which wasn’t covered by insurance then.
Well, NOW we have eye-care added to insurance & voila!
I also remember Rush (oh how I miss him) discussing insurance one day. He pointed out how most of us have insurance on our homes. For the structure itself & perhaps add on for contents. BUT that insurance doesn’t cover painting/sprucing up, remodeling, lawn care, etc. we consider that maintenance.
So when medical insurance covers maintenance (above & beyond major medical items) costs rise & keep rising.
Great article. I'd also add that the PHQ-9 was created with a large grant from Pfizer in 1999 and was designed to generate anti-depressant prescriptions from primary care providers who generally referred those patients out at the time. It was part of a campaign to engage primary care providers and make them more comfortable with writing prescriptions for psychiatric medications in general. The reason for the "hesitancy" doctors had with writing these prescriptions was due to the significance and regularity of relatively serious side effects and black box warnings about increased suicidal/homicidal ideation and suicide/homicide. Unfortunately, this campaign was very successful and most PCP's initiate and manage prescriptions for several psychiatric conditions despite the overall liability due to what is seen as the "standard of care" which only enriches the pharmaceutical companies. This is to the detriment of many of those patients who are convinced, both through societal pressures and tests like these which are designed to increase diagnoses and generate prescriptions. If you read the PHQ-9 questionnaire and then just think about the context of the social situation we've all been exposed to over the last 3 years: covid, war, the culture war, and all of the other crap we've been force fed that is outside of our control (at least for those of us paying attention), and then consider answering those questions honestly; who wouldn't be depressed? Does that mean you need a pill? It may be the right decision for some, but in my opinion the answer is probably not. There is a reason that some of the most common advertisements we see on TV and online are for pharmaceuticals, especially psychiatric medications. Societal influences like hollywood, the media, advertisements, marketing, etc. are designed first and foremost as tools of propaganda to indocrinate us into and maintain us in a consumer cycle, which is driven largely from constantly being told in very cleverly disguised ways that we are not enough, and don't have enough. This is very damaging to our collective and individual identities and our psycholgical health which is then made worse through identity politics, which rules the current trend. Keep up the great work Dr. Funtimes!
I 100% absolutely agree! The PHQ-9 is ridiculous. It does not take anything into context such as life stressors, grief, personality disorder, PTSD……and I cannot tell you how many times someone has filled that out and just marked all 3’s down the row to max the score as high as possible and when I go through it line by line with them the screening is inaccurate. Yet it is the pedestal we have set up to call everything “depression” and here take this Zoloft.
What primary care is trending towards now is they will collect their $$ on a PHQ screen, but they won’t treat it anymore and send them over to psych. Or they will do the standard combo of trialing Zoloft, Prozac, Lexapro and when they fail they send them to psych. It is the standard cocktail of med trials from primary. If someone “fails” 3 meds, that is highly indicative of the issue being anything BUT a “neurotransmitter” problem.
There is a test available through functional medicine called an OAT test. It is a urine based test that checks for a multitude of things, from mitochondrial and cellular function all the way to neurotransmitter function. I have a handful of patients who have done the OAT test because I refer to functional med whenever I can, and not a single one has had a “neurotransmitter’ deficiency pop up. That whole laundering scam of SSRI’s is gross. I use them very little.
Great minds. Add to that no credible studies showing that the predominant theory of why we recommend antidepressants in the first place being that serotonin deficiencies are the cause when there is no body of evidence to suggest that - https://www.nature.com/articles/s41380-022-01661-0. I am that functional medicine provider who decided to go to a "consultation" practice due to the current environment that has absolutely destroyed science, medicine, and the practice/profession of both. I have my "clients" run OAT's as well as a whole host of other specialty labs when appropriate to uncover disturbances to the underlying "terrain" and then help them through lifestyle and supplementation, IV's, detox, etc. to fix the "root cause" of the issue, and at some point address their worldview to help them be independent of the medical system, and most all of the other systems out there as well that seek to entrap us and turn us into commodities. Thanks for taking the time to respond, and check us out -->worldviewwellness.com
Oh my gosh I love love loooooove your practice!!!!!!! I wish you were in Kansas City, I would be sending you all kinds of patients my friend! You are amazing, do not ever stop what you are doing!!! I would send everyone to functional med if I could.
I had a toxic mold exposure in my office. I went through brain fog and fatigue, horrible chronic sinus issues, and it culminated in disequalibrium. I went straight to functional med. My OAT came back really good except for my aspartame level (I gotta stop the diet Mountain Dew its my final naughty vice). My mycotoxin panel through Great Plains lab was 15.5 for Ochratoxin A and 19.53 for Aflatoxin. Gross!!! I moved out of my office until mitigation was done, detoxed, red light sauna, etc and I am back to 90% normal now. I returned to the office a month ago and no rebound symptoms. You understand this journey!!! I have never had a significant health issue in my life until this happened. Functional med gets all the credit for turning this around for me.
Thank you so much!!! Our business is actually a tele-wellness, internet-based practice, so if you have anyone who is wanting to do a consultation, we can do it from anywhere in the US!!! We actually have international clients from Iceland, and Spain that we do quarterly consultations for, so through the internet we can see people from anywhere. I can get basic and very advanced labs through a company called Evexia that allows national access direct to consumer. SO happy to hear your success story about the mold illness. That can certainly be a difficult one to diagnose and also to recover from, but the OAT makes it so much easier to diagnose, treat, and track. The red light therapy and saunas are essential for that detox. Yes those artificial sweeteners (sucralose, aspartame, and acesulfame potassium are in diet mountain dew) will get ya through inflammation and endocrine dysregulation, so highly recommended that you work your way off of those drinks, but most of us have some unhealthy habits that we need to work on and it's all part of the journey! A lot of the training I received came from Dr. Nasha Winters, N.D., FABNO - and the Metabolic Terrain Institute of Health.
If you're looking for a great local functional health provider, someone I know in Overland Park is Dr. Lucas Tims, with the Riordan clinic. He is great and has access to all sorts of crazy therapies and tools.
Finally, thanks for the gratitude, and I will accept and return the compliment - We are thankful for folks with integrity like you who are working hard to make sure people have access to the truth about medicine. As you know, this has been going on for quite some time, but it has really advanced through the plandemic and medicine has been almost completely hijacked by the corporations. So thanks for all your work and keep up the fantastic job. People are hearing you!
Same with the questionnaire they use for ADHD. Multi-year battle with the school district over my son in the early 2000's about the need to address his 'medical issues'. Took him to his PCP and remember she was ready to write a scrip after about a 5 minute discussion. Found a new doc, who sent us home with a checklist for us (parents), his teacher, and another adult in his life. Scored them and said, yep, medicate. He was not having behavior issues per se, he was fidgety, active, and had a short attention span. But he was also a SEVEN YEAR OLD BOY. Tried diet changes, sticker charts/frequent positive reinforcement, worked with him at home every night. Still struggled in reading. Finally at 10, when he would come home from school saying he was stupid we caved and tried the drugs. Helped a little, but still struggled in school. By the time he hit jr high, he said he didn't like the meds as it made him not feel like himself. We took him off and he has learned to live with it. He is still fidgety, and tends to have a short attention span, but he is also very bright, caring, and hard working. We all have our challenges. Successful production manager who runs all over the plant all day long and did manage to get a technical degree but took him 6 years. Not sure why it took me til covid to really lose trust in the HC system, but I guess wanted to believe docs had our best interests at heart. But my last physical was a total check the box exercise, with the doc behind the screen clicking and typing away 90% of the time. The 'exam' part less than 5 minutes. Now I know why. Your expose is the final straw for me. Time to become a more informed consumer.
While not knowing about this positively, I suspected it, because of the harrassment from the doctors to get drugs into you, shots into you, and unneeded tests run. And I do mean harrassment!
This reminds me of an experience I had a year ago last summer. I got sick. With what, who knows? I sure as heck was not testing for the Convid. I rested and amped up vitamin C and fluids. I got better. About 1/2 way through my healing which took about 10 days I had to get routine bloodwork done for another reason. No biggie. The bloodwork came back wonky. Big surprise. I was sick. Obviously I should have waited. The clincher is my GP got a copy of my blood work ( she was not the prescribing doc ) and decided that it indicated I had chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Oooookay. I explained to her that I was a bit under the weather but I had no other signs that were concerning me. She said well in light of the fact that your son had Hodgkins Lymphoma 6 years ago I think you should see a hematologist. Riiiigghhht. I was dumbfounded that she would imply there was a genetic connection to Hodgkins and CLL. There is not from what I understand. Anyway. I got my bloodwork redone 7 days later and I was fine as I knew I would be. Had I listened to her? Gawd knows what I would have set myself up for with regard to testing etc…
Just to be clear it is NOT us doctors who are making bank. It is going to the Administrators, whose growth/involvement has been exponential (and arguable a large source of these costs!) over the last 30-40 years. Physician payment accounts for only 8% of the costs of care.
When anything is incentivized to this extent, it leads to corruption. This is no different from the pharmaceutical sales rep giving doctors perks for prescribing their drugs. Disgusting. Thanks for the info Jennifer.
This is breathtaking information. The average Jane has no idea this is happening. No wonder these crooks just slipped so easily into jab pushing and lying. This is what they do. Changing up would force them to acknowledge how dirty they are already.
I just had a stupid wart removed that didn't even need to be removed. I had mentioned it to my doctor during a so-called physical that was not even a physical (he asked me what was wrong and needed to be checked - I thought he was supposed to check everything in a phsyical). He wanted to remove it so I said OK. Then he sent it for a biopsy, which I thought was weird because it was clearly just a basic wart. At the same physical he did a heart screening online with me even though my blood levels were great (blood sugar slightly elevated because of my cookie cravings). He suggested a statin because I am male and over 60. I said, Can I just exercise more, lose five pounds, and stop the cookies? He was unimpressed. Then his charting took several minutes. I was wondering why he was documenting so much. Now I know. They want me to get my ten year colonoscopy of course but I have been resisting because I am not jabbed and I do not trust hospitals now. They keep calling me. Now I know my doc does not get his incentive until I complete the procedure. I had tried to discuss gastro issues with my doc, that are largely minor and typical for a 62 year old man, at the physical and he was disinterested other than to say I must get the colonoscopy. I have been reading about the colonoscopy scam. I had gone to a gastro doc years ago and he billed me for a bunch of things at the consult that I did not ask for or authorize. When I objected to lack of informed consent they walked me down a hallway to Atilla the Hunness in a cubicle who cut off my testicles. She did her job well.
I have been writing about so called "prevention" for many years. It is not prevention. Prevention is lifestyle optimization. This is drug pushing and useless proceduring for cash.
There re so many things we could do to improve our own lives and the lives of our neighbors if we were not beholden to the almighty dollar and the industries that run our lives.
Thank God for you Jennifer. This is important work.
Bless you friend…….what you described here that happened to you is exactly their goal!! Back in 2020, my husband had a weird mole on his toe. Due to covid “lockdown”, it was 3 months to see derm. They took a scraping and it came back stage 1 melanoma. Genetic type, not sun exposure type. According to the derm’s “genetic report on the sample”. They did a radical flap surgical procedure on him and cancer was gone and good to go. He goes to derm every 6 months now for a “full body scan”. You can imagine how many “suspicious spots” have been removed and they are all completely benign. None of them looked like his malignant spot on his toe. But derm gets a nice surgical payout and patho lab gets a nice payout and every derm visit after insurance costs my husband about $300. And of course they play to the emotional side of this because we would want anything suspect to be caught early so we are now easy targets for removal and patho checks every time we go to derm. Interestingly enough, the melanoma spot when it was presented to the derm originally did not really trip any triggers and they did not even punch biopsy it. Just a shaving. But now every pencil tip sized spot is a “we better remove it”.
I obviously want my husband to remain cancer free and have no other recurring spots, but the “its genetic” determination (haven’t seen paperwork to verify that) obviously keeps our emotional barometer in heightened status and therefore do not question the derm when a spot needs to be “removed” rather than watch and wait. Ahhhh healthcare. 🤬
Right. I drove by a packed hospital yesterday and a clinic, and a bunch of specialists in an area dominated by seniors. All packed and backlogged.
In this particular case, I feel that the dermatologist is only erring on the side of caution. In our litigation happy society, I’m sure many doctors become somewhat overzealous in their treatment to avoid any legal repercussions. I know that milking the insurance happens, but in your situation, as you stated, better safe than sorry.
I agree with you. I definitely want anything nefarious to be caught as early as the original one was, to keep the hubs healthy and cancer free.
What adds to the suspicion level for his case, which I should have added and didn’t, is that he was diagnosed with Acral Lentiginous melanoma, which occurs primarily on hands, feet, and under the finger/toenails. He had the same type of melanoma that took the life of Bob Marley. It generally is not found on the trunk/arms/legs/neck as it is not sun exposure induced. The spots we keep removing that are benign are not on hands or feet areas, they were on his upper back and one on his neck behind his ear. So that is where is starts to get a little suspicious. But most definitely I agree with you. I would rather capture something earlier than not. ❤️
I used to give doctors that out on so many things back when I trusted them implicitly. They were fodder for lawsuits... too many frivolous ones by unscrupulous lawyers.
But today I believe most are owned lock stock & barrel be Big Pharma.
I’m in the process of changing doctors for this very reason. Covid revealed the gullible, the owned, & the cowards.
Not one of my previous docs has apologized for pushing the injections &/or denying me access to HCQ or IVM.
I found whom I call “patriot doctors” who risked it all to treat my family & friends - by staying true to their Hippocratic Oaths taken.
Realizing his type melanoma definitely puts excessive biopsies in the gray area. Thanks
Mercy... whodda thought? Without some genetic profile done I wonder how such was determined?
Would love a whistleblower to reveal such an incentive chart involving dermatology.
AGREED!!!!! There has to be some bonus system……..HAS to be.
Thank you for this informative response!
As my husband has been saying for 𝒚𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒔, "It's a BUSINESS!" Thank you so much for the eye-watering evidence of this fact.
Since 1991, I have seen a doctor a total of four times. (I think I saw a doctor some time in the 80's when I was living in Brooklyn -- for a sore throat.) The fourth and last time was 2017 for a severe back injury. With info from an x-ray (and MRI, which I didn't even want), I took my recovery from there. No medications, no PCP "follow-up", no visit to the "back surgeon" that the physician assistant told me "my" PCP was recommending.
I have made it my business for decades to just stay away...to do everything possible to just stay away...
And this booklet is from 2016. Can you imagine how much worse it has gotten since 2020?
It's disgusting and that practice plus myriad others needs to be outlawed. And they wonder why people don't trust their doctors any more.
I wonder does the same occur in Canada? ThIS is way more than just CRIMINAL!!!
Great question! Who are the insurance providers in Canada for the government healthcare system? Do they delegate a private company to manage healthcare or is it all government run? That would be one place to look!
A retired university professor neighbor (admittedly not credible info source) told me this week that “droves of people are leaving Florida bc insurance companies are pulling out, leaving the state”... Jennifer are you aware of such, having done a deep dive in insurance companies criminal coercion and corroboration with health care providers?
I have not seen anything about this yet!! I will go digging…….Florida has always been a real honeypot for insurance due to the retirement population funneling their medicare dollars into their healthcare system. I will see what I can find! 😎
Thank you! Family in Florida had no answer for this question, but no wonder bc since when are “we the people” included in the government medical industrial mafia decisions... congress signing bills into law obviously weaponizing so called healthcare and taxes and bank bail outs against us, we the citizens, and now with the WHO treaty undoubtedly already signed by the so called elected class, begs the question... if all healthcare decisions including insurances et al., will be under the totalitarian control of this coup illegitimate regime WHO/WEF takeover megalith... what do we need representatives for!?!? Eliminate Washington, congress, the senate, the Washington bureaucracy period.
What a sneaky way to give payback to Florida for some sanity there.
But for all the meds we are led to believe we have to take perhaps insurance wouldn’t be necessary.
Years ago at an attorney’s conference Phyllis Schlafly (Eagle Forum) explained the insurance merry-go-round & how it led to exponential increases in medical care costs.
In the beginning we had only MAJOR MEDICAL insurance which covered only MAJOR expenses such as surgeries, hospitalization, births, the biggies.
Rest of expenses were on us...doc visits, meds.
Prices were manageable even for me & my husband from newlyweds to the time we were introduced to today’s type coverage of everything (but with hidden prices).
The 1st time I saw a doc & was told I owed only a co-pay .... what?
Then had prescription filled, checkbook ready. What? Co-pay? I need pay only $5??
Mrs. Schflaly then showed how every expense medical increased dramatically after years & years of stability.
If insurance is covering it, who cares? That 3rd payer covers it not me. Yet.
She compared rise in medical costs in contrast to stable pricing for eyewear which wasn’t covered by insurance then.
Well, NOW we have eye-care added to insurance & voila!
I also remember Rush (oh how I miss him) discussing insurance one day. He pointed out how most of us have insurance on our homes. For the structure itself & perhaps add on for contents. BUT that insurance doesn’t cover painting/sprucing up, remodeling, lawn care, etc. we consider that maintenance.
So when medical insurance covers maintenance (above & beyond major medical items) costs rise & keep rising.
TMI, I’m aware.
Thanks Jennifer. Just when you think it can't get any worse. It does. Wretched & evil afoot every which way in healthcare manipulation.
Wow, and I thought my opinion of doctors could not sink any lower ... I was wrong. I am sending this to everyone I know.
I have another one I am posting tomorrow from 2022……share with everyone you can! 🙌🏻
Great article. I'd also add that the PHQ-9 was created with a large grant from Pfizer in 1999 and was designed to generate anti-depressant prescriptions from primary care providers who generally referred those patients out at the time. It was part of a campaign to engage primary care providers and make them more comfortable with writing prescriptions for psychiatric medications in general. The reason for the "hesitancy" doctors had with writing these prescriptions was due to the significance and regularity of relatively serious side effects and black box warnings about increased suicidal/homicidal ideation and suicide/homicide. Unfortunately, this campaign was very successful and most PCP's initiate and manage prescriptions for several psychiatric conditions despite the overall liability due to what is seen as the "standard of care" which only enriches the pharmaceutical companies. This is to the detriment of many of those patients who are convinced, both through societal pressures and tests like these which are designed to increase diagnoses and generate prescriptions. If you read the PHQ-9 questionnaire and then just think about the context of the social situation we've all been exposed to over the last 3 years: covid, war, the culture war, and all of the other crap we've been force fed that is outside of our control (at least for those of us paying attention), and then consider answering those questions honestly; who wouldn't be depressed? Does that mean you need a pill? It may be the right decision for some, but in my opinion the answer is probably not. There is a reason that some of the most common advertisements we see on TV and online are for pharmaceuticals, especially psychiatric medications. Societal influences like hollywood, the media, advertisements, marketing, etc. are designed first and foremost as tools of propaganda to indocrinate us into and maintain us in a consumer cycle, which is driven largely from constantly being told in very cleverly disguised ways that we are not enough, and don't have enough. This is very damaging to our collective and individual identities and our psycholgical health which is then made worse through identity politics, which rules the current trend. Keep up the great work Dr. Funtimes!
I 100% absolutely agree! The PHQ-9 is ridiculous. It does not take anything into context such as life stressors, grief, personality disorder, PTSD……and I cannot tell you how many times someone has filled that out and just marked all 3’s down the row to max the score as high as possible and when I go through it line by line with them the screening is inaccurate. Yet it is the pedestal we have set up to call everything “depression” and here take this Zoloft.
What primary care is trending towards now is they will collect their $$ on a PHQ screen, but they won’t treat it anymore and send them over to psych. Or they will do the standard combo of trialing Zoloft, Prozac, Lexapro and when they fail they send them to psych. It is the standard cocktail of med trials from primary. If someone “fails” 3 meds, that is highly indicative of the issue being anything BUT a “neurotransmitter” problem.
There is a test available through functional medicine called an OAT test. It is a urine based test that checks for a multitude of things, from mitochondrial and cellular function all the way to neurotransmitter function. I have a handful of patients who have done the OAT test because I refer to functional med whenever I can, and not a single one has had a “neurotransmitter’ deficiency pop up. That whole laundering scam of SSRI’s is gross. I use them very little.
Great minds. Add to that no credible studies showing that the predominant theory of why we recommend antidepressants in the first place being that serotonin deficiencies are the cause when there is no body of evidence to suggest that - https://www.nature.com/articles/s41380-022-01661-0. I am that functional medicine provider who decided to go to a "consultation" practice due to the current environment that has absolutely destroyed science, medicine, and the practice/profession of both. I have my "clients" run OAT's as well as a whole host of other specialty labs when appropriate to uncover disturbances to the underlying "terrain" and then help them through lifestyle and supplementation, IV's, detox, etc. to fix the "root cause" of the issue, and at some point address their worldview to help them be independent of the medical system, and most all of the other systems out there as well that seek to entrap us and turn us into commodities. Thanks for taking the time to respond, and check us out -->worldviewwellness.com
Oh my gosh I love love loooooove your practice!!!!!!! I wish you were in Kansas City, I would be sending you all kinds of patients my friend! You are amazing, do not ever stop what you are doing!!! I would send everyone to functional med if I could.
I had a toxic mold exposure in my office. I went through brain fog and fatigue, horrible chronic sinus issues, and it culminated in disequalibrium. I went straight to functional med. My OAT came back really good except for my aspartame level (I gotta stop the diet Mountain Dew its my final naughty vice). My mycotoxin panel through Great Plains lab was 15.5 for Ochratoxin A and 19.53 for Aflatoxin. Gross!!! I moved out of my office until mitigation was done, detoxed, red light sauna, etc and I am back to 90% normal now. I returned to the office a month ago and no rebound symptoms. You understand this journey!!! I have never had a significant health issue in my life until this happened. Functional med gets all the credit for turning this around for me.
So thankful we have providers like you!!!!
Thank you so much!!! Our business is actually a tele-wellness, internet-based practice, so if you have anyone who is wanting to do a consultation, we can do it from anywhere in the US!!! We actually have international clients from Iceland, and Spain that we do quarterly consultations for, so through the internet we can see people from anywhere. I can get basic and very advanced labs through a company called Evexia that allows national access direct to consumer. SO happy to hear your success story about the mold illness. That can certainly be a difficult one to diagnose and also to recover from, but the OAT makes it so much easier to diagnose, treat, and track. The red light therapy and saunas are essential for that detox. Yes those artificial sweeteners (sucralose, aspartame, and acesulfame potassium are in diet mountain dew) will get ya through inflammation and endocrine dysregulation, so highly recommended that you work your way off of those drinks, but most of us have some unhealthy habits that we need to work on and it's all part of the journey! A lot of the training I received came from Dr. Nasha Winters, N.D., FABNO - and the Metabolic Terrain Institute of Health.
If you're looking for a great local functional health provider, someone I know in Overland Park is Dr. Lucas Tims, with the Riordan clinic. He is great and has access to all sorts of crazy therapies and tools.
Finally, thanks for the gratitude, and I will accept and return the compliment - We are thankful for folks with integrity like you who are working hard to make sure people have access to the truth about medicine. As you know, this has been going on for quite some time, but it has really advanced through the plandemic and medicine has been almost completely hijacked by the corporations. So thanks for all your work and keep up the fantastic job. People are hearing you!
Same with the questionnaire they use for ADHD. Multi-year battle with the school district over my son in the early 2000's about the need to address his 'medical issues'. Took him to his PCP and remember she was ready to write a scrip after about a 5 minute discussion. Found a new doc, who sent us home with a checklist for us (parents), his teacher, and another adult in his life. Scored them and said, yep, medicate. He was not having behavior issues per se, he was fidgety, active, and had a short attention span. But he was also a SEVEN YEAR OLD BOY. Tried diet changes, sticker charts/frequent positive reinforcement, worked with him at home every night. Still struggled in reading. Finally at 10, when he would come home from school saying he was stupid we caved and tried the drugs. Helped a little, but still struggled in school. By the time he hit jr high, he said he didn't like the meds as it made him not feel like himself. We took him off and he has learned to live with it. He is still fidgety, and tends to have a short attention span, but he is also very bright, caring, and hard working. We all have our challenges. Successful production manager who runs all over the plant all day long and did manage to get a technical degree but took him 6 years. Not sure why it took me til covid to really lose trust in the HC system, but I guess wanted to believe docs had our best interests at heart. But my last physical was a total check the box exercise, with the doc behind the screen clicking and typing away 90% of the time. The 'exam' part less than 5 minutes. Now I know why. Your expose is the final straw for me. Time to become a more informed consumer.
Real healthcare:
Doctor --> Patient
Today's healthcare:
Doctor -> Hospital -> Insurance -> Government -> Patient
While not knowing about this positively, I suspected it, because of the harrassment from the doctors to get drugs into you, shots into you, and unneeded tests run. And I do mean harrassment!
This reminds me of an experience I had a year ago last summer. I got sick. With what, who knows? I sure as heck was not testing for the Convid. I rested and amped up vitamin C and fluids. I got better. About 1/2 way through my healing which took about 10 days I had to get routine bloodwork done for another reason. No biggie. The bloodwork came back wonky. Big surprise. I was sick. Obviously I should have waited. The clincher is my GP got a copy of my blood work ( she was not the prescribing doc ) and decided that it indicated I had chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Oooookay. I explained to her that I was a bit under the weather but I had no other signs that were concerning me. She said well in light of the fact that your son had Hodgkins Lymphoma 6 years ago I think you should see a hematologist. Riiiigghhht. I was dumbfounded that she would imply there was a genetic connection to Hodgkins and CLL. There is not from what I understand. Anyway. I got my bloodwork redone 7 days later and I was fine as I knew I would be. Had I listened to her? Gawd knows what I would have set myself up for with regard to testing etc…
Just to be clear it is NOT us doctors who are making bank. It is going to the Administrators, whose growth/involvement has been exponential (and arguable a large source of these costs!) over the last 30-40 years. Physician payment accounts for only 8% of the costs of care.