A good friend sent me this and it needs to be shared!!!
Ever wondered why certain “preventative maintenance” procedures are required? Well, because your provider gets paid and incentivized for it!!!!!
First off:
Incentive program. Have a lookie loo at what they pay your provider to do. THIS explains why primary care has a sudden interest in doing a PHQ-9 on all their patients. They make a flat fee $200 just for you filling out that piece of paper!!!!!! Lemme be clear here, in psych, this is not the case. We do not get paid for you doing a PHQ-9. We get zero for it. You can see here that they have a percentage of patients that they want you do each thing for, and how much money you will get for doing so. Mammograms? We will bonus you $100 for every woman you send for a mammo. We will pay you $400 for every child that gets all combo 10 vaccines! Makes you wonder if “preventative care” is truly in the best interest of YOU or just earning your provider money! You could slap a PHQ-9 into every visit packet and thats a cool $200 for every BCBS patient at every visit even if their mental health is fine!
Here is the comprehensive table of all things “preventive care” they wanna make sure you do, because they make money off of ALL OF THEM. Lets look at how much money is made for the provider, and what pharma benefits as well:
If BMI is elevated, they start you on metformin or Ozempic or Mounjaro to lose weight. Of course that is monitored every 90 days so hello office visit kick back!
Daily aspirin for “heart protection”
Mammograms at age 40, which is a pricy procedure for their compadre down the road at the imaging center, and a bonus for the referring provider.
Colonoscopies are a referring provider kickback payment, and a big payout for the GI doc and anesthesia doing the procedure. I am sure there will be a “few” spots to biopsy for “precaution” which adds a lab/pathology charge.
Digging deeper in a few of these:
Here is the vaccine schedule that will garner them a $400 payout for each pediatric patient:
They have to vaccinate 63% or more of their pediatric patients age birth to 2. Look how many vaccines they pump into them! 24 vaccines!!!! If you are a pediatrician office, and you have 500 kids that turn 2 this year, and all of them have had their “combo 10” of 24 shots, that will earn the pediatrician a cool $200,000. NOW you know why pediatricians do not take unvaccinated kids! They get dinged and make no money off your healthy unvaccinated kiddo. So when a pediatrician chastises you for not vaccinating your kid, they really don’t care about you or your kid, they just want to make sure they bonus for the year. They have vaccinated kids who miss deadlines, and they have to hit 63% or greater to bonus the $400, so if they require 100% vaccinated only kids, they have wiggle room for the kid who missed the vax deadline by a week to not lose their bonus. Shady shady.
Then we have the “million hearts” initiative.
They get $25 for charting that they told you to take a daily baby aspirin. $25 for discussing your blood pressure and your smoking status. That is $75 of additional money they make at your visit for the 30 seconds all of this takes.
Is this truly done as well care prevention care? Or are we doing all of this to make healthcare money and your provider a kickback?
When anything is incentivized to this extent, it leads to corruption. This is no different from the pharmaceutical sales rep giving doctors perks for prescribing their drugs. Disgusting. Thanks for the info Jennifer.
This is breathtaking information. The average Jane has no idea this is happening. No wonder these crooks just slipped so easily into jab pushing and lying. This is what they do. Changing up would force them to acknowledge how dirty they are already.
I just had a stupid wart removed that didn't even need to be removed. I had mentioned it to my doctor during a so-called physical that was not even a physical (he asked me what was wrong and needed to be checked - I thought he was supposed to check everything in a phsyical). He wanted to remove it so I said OK. Then he sent it for a biopsy, which I thought was weird because it was clearly just a basic wart. At the same physical he did a heart screening online with me even though my blood levels were great (blood sugar slightly elevated because of my cookie cravings). He suggested a statin because I am male and over 60. I said, Can I just exercise more, lose five pounds, and stop the cookies? He was unimpressed. Then his charting took several minutes. I was wondering why he was documenting so much. Now I know. They want me to get my ten year colonoscopy of course but I have been resisting because I am not jabbed and I do not trust hospitals now. They keep calling me. Now I know my doc does not get his incentive until I complete the procedure. I had tried to discuss gastro issues with my doc, that are largely minor and typical for a 62 year old man, at the physical and he was disinterested other than to say I must get the colonoscopy. I have been reading about the colonoscopy scam. I had gone to a gastro doc years ago and he billed me for a bunch of things at the consult that I did not ask for or authorize. When I objected to lack of informed consent they walked me down a hallway to Atilla the Hunness in a cubicle who cut off my testicles. She did her job well.
I have been writing about so called "prevention" for many years. It is not prevention. Prevention is lifestyle optimization. This is drug pushing and useless proceduring for cash.
There re so many things we could do to improve our own lives and the lives of our neighbors if we were not beholden to the almighty dollar and the industries that run our lives.
Thank God for you Jennifer. This is important work.