What a tangled web they weave!

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Thank you thank you thank you for this . This will be shared wide and far.

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They have used "vaccines" as birth control from the beginning. Truly sick stuff foisted on humanity by ignorant and evil people. Thanks Jennifer. Peace.

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African has long been the testing lab for rich white Western countries for some time, often for good public health purposes. If this is true however, it is obviously a breech of informed consent if that concept was even practiced (it was abandoned for the vaccine everywhere). If given to males, well..... We still need an independent study by a non-governmental, non-Pharma group of scientists of these tetanus shots plus the "bad" covid batches found to be at the causation of disproportionate deaths and severe ASEs in this excellent study by Schmelling.


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My guess is that this is not their final mandatory like vaccination and they were doing something in the smaller batches to see how it was going to go yet didn’t want to raise excess alarms.

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My previous career afforded me plenty of opportunities to interact with the "Blue Helmets". A more corrupt, self serving group with truly bad intent I have never met. I witnessed UN Peacekeepers commit crimes from shaking down desperate refugees to forcing children into sexual servitude. I suspect some of them of filling the mass graves they had allegedly discovered. Since a fish rots from the head, I can't have any trust for the UN itself. One World Government is the answer if the question is, "How can we insure no individual rights or liberty." The UN is just one more effort by the Divine Rights of Kings crowd to eliminate the aberrant appearance of the expectation of freedom and liberty by the individual.

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If there's ANY silver lining to these deadly mRNA products being coerced into billions of people with disastrous results, it's that all vaccines are being questioned - especially childhood vaccines.

This is long overdue, as children don't need 90% or more of the vaccines they get.

Question, Dr. Brown: Do you know if these WHO tetanus vaccines were funded by Gates?

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Yes. The ones I've read about were funded by Gates of Hell.

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It’s always been about population control. And money.

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Thanks Jennifer.

Eugeni Grates also pulled the exact sane tetanus fraud not only in Kenya, but also In Nigeria & India.

Under threat of arrest in Nigeria & Already found Guilty by Indian court.

After those & now his proven involvement in the MegaHarma$ GENOCIDE.

How on earth is the wretch still a free man? Needs stopping before his next god stunt.

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Fascinating info. Explains why India so wisely refused to release Pfizer from liability unless they could do their own trials.

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Dear God!

They are pure EVIL.

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Excellent journalism! You nailed it!

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