Expanding on the vaccine concerns by RFK Jr, this is most interesting.
Back in the 1970’s, the WHO had a vaccine template using tetanus vaccines with HCG or human chorionic gonadotropin to create a “birth control” vaccine. Exposing a woman to HCG would either prevent pregnancy, or if exposed while pregnant, could cause an abortion to occur. Recurring vaccinations with this concoction would lead to increased infertility.
In 2014, the Catholic Church in Nairobi tested vials of tetanus vaccines given to their citizens. They found HCG in all of the vials they tested, where HCG should not be present. The tested 6 more vials, and HCG was again found. When the WHO tested some of their vials, they alleged that HCG was not found. However, vials in the field being used by physicians on patients tested positive for HCG. Were there “hot lots” of tetanus birth control vaccines in Kenya? Much like the hot lots of covid vaccines, not all of the vaccines were as dangerous as others. For example, in Kenya, there would be no need to vaccinate a male with the HCG version of the tetanus shot. No no, we reserve THAT serum for the young girls and childbearing age women, so they could play the population control game.
The goal of the WHO and the UN was population control. Kenya became ground zero for the tetanus shot that was not “just” a tetanus shot. How many women lost their fertility unknowingly? How many pregnant women lost their pregnancy unknowingly? How many physicians encouraged these women and girls to be up to date with their tetanus vaccines?
Based on this, you could give a woman 2 doses in 4 weeks during pregnancy, and then again 6-12 months later. You could reasonably give THREE of these shots during a pregnancy and estimated duration of coverage is 5 years. Limited fertility for FIVE years. If you start vaxxing young gears early on, they could lose all childbearing years from the 5 vaccines.
What made this stink really badly was that these “tetanus” vaccines had to be stored in Nairobi by the WHO. Also, these vaccines were not given to males whatsoever, only women up to the age of 49.
Do you still trust those “older” vaccines? How many other vaccines had “birth control” in them? Anyone questioning the Gardasil shots now? Why was it so important to vaccinate ALL young women for a STD they were not even at risk for at that time? And then why did they decide that all males needed that shot too? Did someone find out that it affected sperm motility and development not just female fertility?
What a tangled web they weave!
Thank you thank you thank you for this . This will be shared wide and far.