This is exactly what I mean when I say the covid reckoning won't come from DC.

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The first step in turning over a rock, is to gingerly lift the edge and see what comes slithering out from beneath.

The suit for deceptive marketing activity is a lifting of the edge. Even if it fails, more vermin will be forced to scuttle into the light of day where they can be seen clearly by all.

The Gnome and his army of flying monkeys continue to exhibit the low cunning that allowed them to destroy so many lives, but all of their strategies revolve around the core principle of doubling-down on the lies they have told.

The methodology required to neutralize psychopaths, also revolves around a core principle; accumulation of evidence until the psychopath's repetitive lies are fully revealed for what they are.

The evidence accumulates.

No Amnesty

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Excellent points - well metaphorized (sic). Do you think discovery will shake enough juicy fruit from internal communications admitting foreknowledge of malfeasance to fuel a successful CA criminal liability suit. We can always hope.

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Well, DrGu, I'm with you on the "we can always hope" part.

As far as discovery during this action goes, I don't think there's any way to guage success of either this, or any future, liability suits from it.

When it comes to imposing accountability on influential psychopaths, my observation over the past four decades or so, has been that the destruction they cause must reach a certain critical mass on several fronts, before those who deployed the psychopaths will step aside.

Over and over again, I've seen the lies of sociopaths and psychopaths exposed for what they were, but those in charge refusing to act until there is such open and universal rebellion among the victims that there was no altenative but to deal with the problem decisively.

Those experiences brought me to a new perspective on the phrase "slowly and then suddenly."

It appears to me that the real question is something more akin to "how long will it take for the rising death and disability numbers to reach the point where a critical mass of the public demands truthful answers?"

You and I know that when that point is reached, the public will be startled to find that a preponderance of evidence was already "hidden in plain sight" long before they chose to pay any attention to it.

I'm not sneering at anyone who honestly remained ignorant of the mounting evidence. Throughout this ordeal, I've maintained that compassion is the required default. That said, the emphasis is on "honestly."

There has been so much dishonesty from the very beginning, that there is no shortage of individuals that are eligible for censure and/or prosecution.

At a guess, I'd say that we'll have a better idea of the timeline when our daily interactions reveal a localized dawning of understanding that local and regional regulators refused to hold monomaniacal "public health experts" in check.

The mission creep of "public health" has been a frog-boiling exersize, and apallingly effective. Setting aside the disinformation as such, no one expects a physician to be an economist. It was the job of elected officials to understand that supply chains cannot be dialled up and down, and remain constantly aware of the "non-medical" death toll that forcing people into poverty causes.

Governors, state representatives, county boards of supervisors and city councils, all abdicated their sworn duty. Yes, they were lied to, but that's irrelevant. Data came fast and furious, pretty much immediately, and it was ignored.

That was quite an accomplishment, given how much effort was being made to distort and obscure that data, with stong signals emerging from the deliberately-created noise nonetheless. In every community, those who were complicit in those distortions are readily identifiable. Hiding behind the "cannot say or do anything that may influece vaccine hesitancy" mantra, the primary underlying motive was self-interest; the will to power.

That the most prominent underlying motivation was fear, matters not at all. The motive was to protect themselves at the cost of any amount of death and destruction to others. One need only consider what happened to sheriffs reporting the human cost of lockdowns and the frontline health professionals reporting injection-adjacent death and misery, to understand the role of self-interest in the horrors we've lived through.

And as for the "we" in the last sentence, we're the lucky ones; the ones they didn't manage to drown as they rowed their lifeboats away from from the ship they sank.

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Good points. I think when enough evidence is put forward that can be blessed by the liberal media to sway liberals, (the NYT begrudgingly sometimes comes clean after a year or 2 (Laptop from Hell,) the outcome will be to throw Fauci under the bus to curtail further discussion. Like Hunter's gun crime conviction. Multiple criminal prosecutions can only be done by a motivated DOD as in J6. Not gonna happen unless Trump is elected.

One useful model for a cleansing Class Action might be Dow Corning and Teflon. I think that was the result of discovery in a a CA that produced damning internal communications of foreknowledge of extreme harm and collusion to cover it up. Maybe that could happen in the free state of MO?

The main benefit of either would be lessening the likelihood of the citizenry and scientists being so manipulated again.

As for treating doctors - after seeing what was happening in plain view, those who did not act appropriately and speak out to help and protect their patients - they need to be shamed and required to go to a CME authored by Dr. McCullough.

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You make several good points.

Saw my trusty old G.P. yesterday. He doesn't really want to hear it, but I keep insisting on thanking him for having gotten me on the standard protocol for whatever the strange "bronchitis" was that I contracted in March of 2020. The dear old soul got me a Kenalog injection and round of Azithromycin, just before the carpetbagging "public health" officer shut down and bankrupted private parctices all over the county by prohibiting patient visits.

What I mean to say (and say to him with annoying consistency) is that he almost certainly saved my life.

You tell me, Doc, how such an ordinary symptom-based protocol of proven efficacy could have been prohibited in so many places (mainly a rhetorical question, not meant to challenge or insult.) It was "go home entirely untreated and come back to die on a ventilator with us."

So many seem to want to "move on, all that stuff is so yesterday," but there is no "moving on" until there has ben a full and honest accounting. Having survived that strangely persistent respiratory infection, and then cardiac arrest and complete respiratory collapse in January of '21 (yes, 100% LAD arteial blockage,) the issue remains visceral for me.

The symptoms of an impending STEMI were, in retrospect, quite obvious for months before the event, but appointments with local GPs were refused for respiratory symptoms even at that late date, by "public health" orders enthusiatically enforced by the corporate players who'd been gleefully snapping up private practices right and left as they were intentionally driven into insolvency and bankruptcy.

In an ironic twist, the genius cardiac surgeon that resucitated me and stented the artery in what must have been a new land-speed record for catheterization, lost his own private practice to a corporate raider, a month after my discharge from the cardiac ward at the local trauma center.

Back to your point; yes, I agree that it will be the free states that will lead in accomplishing what must be done.

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One can only hope that this suit doesn't ger settled, buried and that defense discovery reveals the culpable individuals.

Poisoned people need justice, and the whole 'program' must be stopped in its tracks.

Thanks for keeping us informed, Dr FT!

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What was the Kansas Department of Health's stance of vaccines and vaccine mandates? Remember, the corruption of the fake pandemic was led by our government and paid for by our citizens. They were the enablers. I will believe this goes somewhere when I see it. Perhaps it is a good start, we will see.

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KDHE highly recommended vaccines. Kansas is a divided state, a Democrat governor with a Republican majority otherwise. It has been a nonstop battle keeping the governor in check. The legislators overrode a lot of her emergency orders, and kept vaccine mandates at the local level not state-wide. State mandates never happened thank goodness! Outside of major metro areas, it was business as usual. Mandates only came from private companies and healthcare establishments of course. 🤮

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Seems too many are too quick to slam down those who see patterns where others wish not to see them.


Now, the State of Kansas has standing.


Good luck corrupted court system in shooting this one down!


I love it.

We are in the final countdown!

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Fix bayonets, give no quarter.

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Is this similar to the suit Texas filed against Pfizer?

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I am not familiar with the Texas suit….I will have to go look at it and see if so.

Kansas is going with deceptive marketing, lemme see if Texas is doing the same.

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Texas did something similar, if I’m not mistaken.

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Jun 18
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Are we sure Pfizer didn’t manufacture it? Who manufactured for DOD and HHS? Vaccine vials were indeed filled at a Pfizer plant at bare minimum. I do have proof that Pfizer factories had a role in filling and labeling vials at bare minimum.

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Jun 18
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Absolute deception!

To this day, we have no idea of the purity of the *ahem* "indemnified" juice they jammed into the human guinea pigs regardless of the results of their "tests" proving it "safe and effective".


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Jun 18
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There is a difference of opinion on this point. I think if a government demands that corporations use deceptive manufacturing practices that lead to people being killed or maimed that government made itself illegitimate and should be removed.

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