In the exciting news of holding someone accountable in the covid vaccine sham department…..Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach filed suit against Pfizer, on behalf of the state of Kansas.
This is a 170+ page filing. For the charges you can jump to page 60. The entire thing is worthy of a read. The best part? Kansas has precedence. They sued Pfizer in 2008 for deceptive practices and they won the case. That case is linked in the filing.
TRUST KANSAS!! Batter up: lets go get Moderna and J&J.
This is exactly what I mean when I say the covid reckoning won't come from DC.
The first step in turning over a rock, is to gingerly lift the edge and see what comes slithering out from beneath.
The suit for deceptive marketing activity is a lifting of the edge. Even if it fails, more vermin will be forced to scuttle into the light of day where they can be seen clearly by all.
The Gnome and his army of flying monkeys continue to exhibit the low cunning that allowed them to destroy so many lives, but all of their strategies revolve around the core principle of doubling-down on the lies they have told.
The methodology required to neutralize psychopaths, also revolves around a core principle; accumulation of evidence until the psychopath's repetitive lies are fully revealed for what they are.
The evidence accumulates.
No Amnesty