I also read that big pharma are expecting something like a 70% increase in cancer which should be a real money spinner for them. Like most reading your substack I have lost all faith in products produced by big pharma (with a couple of notable exceptions) but today I read some words from James Lindsey which gave me hope so I thought I would share them:

"There is a hope, however. That hope is actually rather simple. A manipulation exposed is a manipulation no longer trusted. A manipulative agency exposed is an agency no longer trusted. A manipulative institution exposed is an institution no longer trusted. Without trust, there is less compliance. Without sufficient compliance in the mobilized segment of the population, there is no successful politics of compliance. It all falls apart"

Thanks for all you to to help expose the manipulation and lies Jennifer.

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I just read an article in the Normie press this morning that they are finally realizing Applied Behavior Analysis for Autism does not work and is probably harmful. We could have told them that two decades ago. We should be starting to realize most of what we call treatment in health and mental health care is iatrogenic. It pays well though.

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Dear Paving the Way:

I have been very critical of Applied Behavior Analysis for Autism for many years. By any chance do you have a link or reference for the article you mention? It would be much appreciated. KT

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In the article there is no mention of how many people the drugs will help, forget cure, they only focus on the big bucks. There may only be 22% that took the RSV shot, but between the companies mentioned in 2023 they made well above a billion dollars of revenue.

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Big Pharma is pretty much the only time you will hear "HELL NO!" from my lips.

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I had a recent period of ill health stuck in bed all day. Nothing to read and nothing good on streaming so I watched cable TV. all day (ugh). What I noticed was an over abundance of commercials for fast food, junk food and restaurants. And then the other commercials were Pharmaceuticals to address the ravages of eating that crap: obesity drugs, diabetes drugs and heart medications. Disgusting!!!!

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No doubt they all pass the test"Non inferior" in efficacy = Spin language. Works for snake oil.🤣

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I realize I am very late to the party, but from a healthcare consumer point of view it looks like a bunch of solutions in search of a problem. Like the vague yet (supposedly) compelling commercials for heaven only knows what for couples in separate outdoor bathtubs. I don't want any of what they are peddling now. Snake oil would be more effective.

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What happened to #4? And after??? Is everything after #3 behind a paywall, but isn't stated as such?

I'm just confused.

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