Good news but you can just drive down I 70 to get your kid mutilated. I thought Kansas was a conservative state. Why are they putting up with these ghouls?
I support laws that ban ALL trans drugs and surgeries on minors. Administering any such procedures on minors is criminal and must be treated as such.
The psychotic, depraved Biden administration has filed several lawsuits against states that pass such laws as Missouri has. Not only that, this psychotic administration also wants to make it a crime for any doctor to REFUSE to give trans drugs and surgeries to minors.
Imagine this insanity: our own government actually wants to FORCE trans drugs and surgeries on minors, and FORCE doctors to deliver these procedures even if they disagree on ethical and medical grounds.
Anyone involved in trans indoctrinations and procedures on minors is a depraved sewer rat. This includes teachers, politicians, counselors and doctors.
Excellent news. As usual, "fly over" states get it right.....eventually. Wash U, and Ch's Hosp. are going to need a new profit center and find a new job for the Trans teams. Meanwhile they will have to deal with all the ongoing and future surgical and medical complications of all the children they have already mutilated. Under this cloud that this unethical RX was so recently so trendy.
Excellent news. Thank you Jennifer. Leave the kids alone. Peace.
Thank for sharing this great news Jennifer. Let's hope that the ban will be extended nationwide soon....
Good news but you can just drive down I 70 to get your kid mutilated. I thought Kansas was a conservative state. Why are they putting up with these ghouls?
I support laws that ban ALL trans drugs and surgeries on minors. Administering any such procedures on minors is criminal and must be treated as such.
The psychotic, depraved Biden administration has filed several lawsuits against states that pass such laws as Missouri has. Not only that, this psychotic administration also wants to make it a crime for any doctor to REFUSE to give trans drugs and surgeries to minors.
Imagine this insanity: our own government actually wants to FORCE trans drugs and surgeries on minors, and FORCE doctors to deliver these procedures even if they disagree on ethical and medical grounds.
Anyone involved in trans indoctrinations and procedures on minors is a depraved sewer rat. This includes teachers, politicians, counselors and doctors.
Excellent news. As usual, "fly over" states get it right.....eventually. Wash U, and Ch's Hosp. are going to need a new profit center and find a new job for the Trans teams. Meanwhile they will have to deal with all the ongoing and future surgical and medical complications of all the children they have already mutilated. Under this cloud that this unethical RX was so recently so trendy.