Dasak and EcoHealth were doing the Coronavirus gain of function (GOF) work with funding from Fauci's NIAID. Dasak/EcoHelath was granted a release by Fauci to continue its GOF research (including work on the Coronaviruses). Dasak's attorneys will argue that his work was done with the knowledge, permission and funding of the government so how could he be liable? He was just following orders, which was called the Nazi defense at the Nuremberg trails. That defense didn't work at Nuremberg but the corruption of our current government eclipses anything seen before in the sad history of civilization.
If this can be proven to be true, these criminals need to spend the rest of their greedy existence behind bars and their estates liquidated and distributed to the victims families.
Jeremy Farrar, Peter Daszak, Peter Hotez, Anthony Fauci, Paul Offit, Edward Holmes, Francis Collins, Kristian Andersen, Robert Garry, Peter Marks, Rochelle Walensky, Ugur Sahin, Ralph Baric are all complicit in the serious injuries and deaths to tens of millions of people worldwide. There are hundreds more corrupt doctors whose names I don't even know.
From developing covid, to falsely discrediting successful treatments that would have saved 85% of covid hospitalizations and deaths, to pushing deadly mRNA products that have already seriously injured and killed more people under 60 than covid - these individuals are guilty of mass assault and murder one way or another.
Did the Nuremburg Trials happen for nothing??? Isn't that why there is a record for everything? Praying for God's strength and wisdom on Trellis Law firm, that they hold them accountable.
The more the merrier. We know our Justice Department is corrupt so we will have to go the civil route. Perhaps winning these cases will force the hand of the Justice Department ... or Bobby Kennedy could win in Iowa and NH and we can throw these crooks out of office. If Bobby gets the nomination, the dems will have no reason to cheat in the next election ... they lose no matter who wins the general. If you are a democrat, you should be fighting tooth and nail to get Kennedy in. That would rock the world.
Dasak and EcoHealth were doing the Coronavirus gain of function (GOF) work with funding from Fauci's NIAID. Dasak/EcoHelath was granted a release by Fauci to continue its GOF research (including work on the Coronaviruses). Dasak's attorneys will argue that his work was done with the knowledge, permission and funding of the government so how could he be liable? He was just following orders, which was called the Nazi defense at the Nuremberg trails. That defense didn't work at Nuremberg but the corruption of our current government eclipses anything seen before in the sad history of civilization.
If this can be proven to be true, these criminals need to spend the rest of their greedy existence behind bars and their estates liquidated and distributed to the victims families.
Jeremy Farrar, Peter Daszak, Peter Hotez, Anthony Fauci, Paul Offit, Edward Holmes, Francis Collins, Kristian Andersen, Robert Garry, Peter Marks, Rochelle Walensky, Ugur Sahin, Ralph Baric are all complicit in the serious injuries and deaths to tens of millions of people worldwide. There are hundreds more corrupt doctors whose names I don't even know.
From developing covid, to falsely discrediting successful treatments that would have saved 85% of covid hospitalizations and deaths, to pushing deadly mRNA products that have already seriously injured and killed more people under 60 than covid - these individuals are guilty of mass assault and murder one way or another.
Great news! Fingers crossed on these!
Did the Nuremburg Trials happen for nothing??? Isn't that why there is a record for everything? Praying for God's strength and wisdom on Trellis Law firm, that they hold them accountable.
Vaccine mandates on those incarcerated for these Covid Crimes against Humanity.
Let them be the Guinea pigs 🤬
The more the merrier. We know our Justice Department is corrupt so we will have to go the civil route. Perhaps winning these cases will force the hand of the Justice Department ... or Bobby Kennedy could win in Iowa and NH and we can throw these crooks out of office. If Bobby gets the nomination, the dems will have no reason to cheat in the next election ... they lose no matter who wins the general. If you are a democrat, you should be fighting tooth and nail to get Kennedy in. That would rock the world.