The lawsuits against Peter Daszak and Ecohealth Alliance for the death of their family members have begun
The estate of four deceased individuals are suing Peter Daszak and Ecohealth Alliance for funding the creation of covid and releasing it to the world. This was filed on August 3rd, 2023 in New York. You do have to subscribe to Trellis to read this one, I am trying to find the court filings for free.
There is another case filed by Tom Renz with other plaintiffs. In this case, they also sue Ralph Baric. You can read it in its entirety here at
Both cases allege that covid was released on purpose, created on purpose, and created unnecessary financial destruction, death, and untold damages due to the actions of these individuals and company.
There will be more.
Dasak and EcoHealth were doing the Coronavirus gain of function (GOF) work with funding from Fauci's NIAID. Dasak/EcoHelath was granted a release by Fauci to continue its GOF research (including work on the Coronaviruses). Dasak's attorneys will argue that his work was done with the knowledge, permission and funding of the government so how could he be liable? He was just following orders, which was called the Nazi defense at the Nuremberg trails. That defense didn't work at Nuremberg but the corruption of our current government eclipses anything seen before in the sad history of civilization.
If this can be proven to be true, these criminals need to spend the rest of their greedy existence behind bars and their estates liquidated and distributed to the victims families.