Jennifer, the most astounding thing about this algorithm is that they are treating a musky symptomatic person with ZERO oxygen requirement with Paxlovid and/or Remdesivir! Seriously? A mildly symptomatic person with ‘the flu’ with REMDESIVIR? It’s the same thing they did with HIV+ patients and AZT--killing them off one by one! Just like they’re doing to all of us who oppose the narrative--Kary Mullis, others and now, Rashid Buttar! They are definitely becoming more brazen----after all there are no consequences! Why not!?

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As usual, you uncover the most salient information. This is criminal maplpractice. How can we get these people?

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intentional, prejudicial, premeditated murder

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Add to this the new ICD9 codes with selections for Jab status that include not vaccinated by choice to be tucked into your database for future algorithm use. Early in the pandemic, I confronted my wife's internist, a very good doc with emerging data on AESI, HCQ, remdesivir, and ICU protocols in our large corporate local hospital. He defended with "science based medicine" arguments AKA algorithms on his Med database service ("First look" or some such) - used by hospital MDs. Remdesivir spelled "rundeathisnear" was used on all ICU pts.and many others, some EVEN AS AN OUTPT. It was also approved for children! For profit, because any treating doc could have seen the terrible signals in the safety profiles and the flaws in the trial data and the subsequent FDA approval as the only patented "new-old" drug available. Highly lucrative - 12-16K per 4 day course of Rx.

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"Follow the arrows. Do not deviate. Step in line and do it like everyone else is doing it." - 100%. I have seen it in person. It's pure stupidity and ignorance. I will never go to a "hospital". I'd rather die in my backyard than live a lie. Parallel societies are the cure. Ignore the idiots and surround yourself with truth-telling warriors who have your back! May there be peace on earth. Thanks Jennifer!

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Gotta make the unvaxxed look bad at every possible turn.

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Last updated in March 2023...damn.

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Thanks Jennifer.

Hopefully sooner rather than any later. The world will wake the fcuk up, to the fact that the un injected are NOT dropping like flies. Any questions?

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