The covid treatment algorithm in Australia: they penalized the unvaccinated with aggressive over-treatment.
I was reading an interesting thread on Twitter by JikkyLeaks and this popped up. Look at the above flow chart very closely. FYI: most of healthcare is flowcharts just like this. EVERYTHING has an algorithm. Follow the arrows. Do not deviate. Step in line and do it like everyone else is doing it. Algorithms are the death knell of healthcare because they make healthcare uniform, not individualized patient centered care.
Anywho, the above algorithm from Australia. This flowchart is not for the critically ill. It is management of covid patients who do NOT require oxygen. So they have a mild flu essentially, or a bad cold. Look very closely at the first box under the start tab: is the person vaccinated, or are they “unvaccinated OR immunocompromised”. WHAT? Yes, they use the SAME covid treatment protocol for immunocompromised as they do the UNvaccinated. When you look at the flowchart, a vaccinated person was thrown into the “check for risk assessment” and then moved on to “observe and treat symptoms”.
Now, the UNVAXXED? Well, if they were Day 5 or less of covid, they got shuffled to the Plaxovid. If they were day 7 or less of covid, they got remdesivir. Day 14 or less of covid symptoms? Corticosteroids. Now, WHY would they treat with an algorithm based on vaccine status?!?!??!! If you have covid, you have covid. Vaccine status makes no difference. We already know that covid is going to do its thing regardless of the number of vaccines you have had, so WHY are we treating the unvaccinated so aggressively?!?!
My questions are this: if the vaccine wasn’t in your arm, did they want to do whatever they could to cause you long term health problems or death? Why would they include the immune-suppressed in the same regimen as unvaccinated people? Why would they give immune-suppressed people such aggressive treatment for MILD ILLNESS? Why would they give ANYONE this protocol for mild illness? Why did they use ANY of these drugs REGARDLESS of how ill they were because we KNOW those drugs are worthless and fatal for several.
This is why most people recommend you do not go to the hospital for covid. You walk out worse than when you walked in, if you are alive to walk out.
Jennifer, the most astounding thing about this algorithm is that they are treating a musky symptomatic person with ZERO oxygen requirement with Paxlovid and/or Remdesivir! Seriously? A mildly symptomatic person with ‘the flu’ with REMDESIVIR? It’s the same thing they did with HIV+ patients and AZT--killing them off one by one! Just like they’re doing to all of us who oppose the narrative--Kary Mullis, others and now, Rashid Buttar! They are definitely becoming more brazen----after all there are no consequences! Why not!?
As usual, you uncover the most salient information. This is criminal maplpractice. How can we get these people?