I am not holding my breath. Obviously the last two elections were fraudulent. They did it in plain site, finding votes in Az and Nv and counting right up until their candidate won. Let's not forget the mail-in balloting. How many of those ballots were actually completed by the person voting? They don't try and hide it because they know the Supreme Court does not have the guts to take on the case.


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If, for whatever reason, this petition does not gain a fair hearing, the US Republic must be presumed dead.

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I'm with you in spirit Derek, but i don't hinge everything on this case. IF no charges come from the recent corruption investigations AND no Brunson case progress AND no Trump victory in 2024, THEN I'll consider the republic dead, and will hope for a splitting at that point. Cheers

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At some point our side has to win one of these...I just can't fathom that so many have gone to the dark side and see the destruction. It makes me sick to my stomach. It is so sad.

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