I waited until I saw what the response was yesterday before posting about this. This is the 3rd time that the Brunson family has petitioned under a Rule 11 with the Supreme Court. They filed back in April, and today was the final day for the US Attorney to respond to the petition.
The Solicitor General opted to NOT reply to the petition. This happened the first two times they filed for a writ with the Supreme Court. The US waived the right to respond.
Here is the filing this time around:
The 10th circuit court ruled against Brunson in March 2023, so this filing is seeking higher court decision making due to that ruling.
We will wait to see if they docket the case for consideration, I would imagine that would be after the holiday weekend, as a second person has filed paperwork in this case and it had to be amended, and was due back to SCOTUS on May 24th. Stay tuned! We shall see if the 3rd time is the charm at a hearing!
I am not holding my breath. Obviously the last two elections were fraudulent. They did it in plain site, finding votes in Az and Nv and counting right up until their candidate won. Let's not forget the mail-in balloting. How many of those ballots were actually completed by the person voting? They don't try and hide it because they know the Supreme Court does not have the guts to take on the case.
If, for whatever reason, this petition does not gain a fair hearing, the US Republic must be presumed dead.