You want to get funding for any other studies? You tow the company line. Anybody can do it, all you have to say is: "Safe and Effective". Liars!

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"This is the paragraph that really torks me off: “We believe breastfeeding post-vaccination is safe, especially 48 h after vaccination." - I agree 100%. What do you give a pregnant woman? Nothing except prenatal vitamins. The level of incompetence today is staggering; how many of the "doctors" actually read?? Thank you Jennifer. Peace.

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We believe it is as safe as an extended stay at Chernobyl; a ride in a limo with JFK on Nov. 1963, as getting on a flight with a box cutting Al queda pilot on 9-11 and Welp unprotected sex with a career needle user. ‘

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They knew the whole time but demanded we take the poison anyway.

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