This is a small study of 13 women, so this was not a large study by any means. The data, however, is helpful and will hopefully lead to a larger study down the road in long term vaccinated women who are lactating. It is also a study that was funded by the “pro-vaccine” group-think side of the fence, so they heavily minimize the results.
The highlights:
Of 13 lactating women receiving the vaccine (20 exposures), trace mRNA amounts were detected in 10 exposures up to 45 h post-vaccination. (Why did they stop testing at 45 hours post vaccine? Keep testing the milk for the duration of breast feeding).
The mRNA was concentrated in the breast milk and the extra cellular vesicles. Linkage analysis suggests vaccine mRNA integrity was reduced to 12–25% in BM. (That is a LOT of mRNA found in breast milk!)
Our findings demonstrate that the COVID-19 vaccine mRNA is not confined to the injection site but spreads systemically and is packaged into breast milk/extra cellular vesicles. (Remember the lie that the vaccine stays at the injection site? Lies)
This is the paragraph that really torks me off: “We believe breastfeeding post-vaccination is safe, especially 48 h after vaccination. (They have zero proof, they stopped evaluating the breast milk at 45 hours). Nevertheless, since the minimum mRNA vaccine dose to elicit an immune reaction in infants <6 months is unknown, a dialogue between a breastfeeding mother and her healthcare provider should address the benefit/risk considerations of breastfeeding in the first two days after maternal vaccination. (Why was this not discussed when they pushed the vaccine on every pregnant and breastfeeding mother from December 2020 to current time?)
You want to get funding for any other studies? You tow the company line. Anybody can do it, all you have to say is: "Safe and Effective". Liars!
"This is the paragraph that really torks me off: “We believe breastfeeding post-vaccination is safe, especially 48 h after vaccination." - I agree 100%. What do you give a pregnant woman? Nothing except prenatal vitamins. The level of incompetence today is staggering; how many of the "doctors" actually read?? Thank you Jennifer. Peace.