Hum, no control group with zero jab. So both jabs could accelerate Alzheimers, and this study would not be able to tell.

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Obvious you make an obvious point Thank you. I'm still waiting for the 5 year longitudinal study comparing all health outcomes of a large population controlled by vaxxed and unvaxxed. Maybe WHO will fund a multinational study while we still have the unvaxxed controls? HaHaHa.

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I saw a tweet today that said it’s been 3 years so shouldn’t that unvaxxed be dead?

Remember Biden saying 3 years ago that it will be the winter of death for the unvaxxed? Heh…

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HaHaHa - The vaxxed are dying and suffering immune system illnesses and turbo cancer more than the unvaxxed, but a proper study will prove this once and for all. We've gotten past most of the rollout of acute deaths from such as myocarditis and conduction system injuries.

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Yep, but sadly the jabbed think the excess deaths are from Rona and not the jabs. I don’t blame them because the propaganda is that good and they know about or don’t believe anything the alternative media tells them. Well I do blame them if they keep their minds closed.m

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The shingles vaccine is worthless to begin with. Long ago the VA talked me into getting it. A few months later I enjoyed my first raging case of shingles. The VA Doctor explained that sometimes it takes 2 vaccine applications to become effective. I was more gullible/conditioned then and took the second jab. Lo and behold, a month or so later I got to enjoy shingles AGAIN. Another dose of vaccine was offered, but I declined. Since then I have had shingles off and on a few more times. Like the vaccine would have altered that outcome at all! Ha Ha Ha. (OK, the vaccines probably got the ball rolling in the first place.)

As far as the < 6 month delay in dementia onset goes, that isn’t even a statistical rounding error let alone a standard deviation issue. There is no basis whatsoever for the dementia prevention claim.

They want us dead.

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Reminds me of when the FDA approved the new Alzheimer’s drug that did nothing to stop the disease , but costs so much it raised Medicare part B premiums. 2 officials were so upset they quit.

Not one of the alphabet agencies serve we the people anymore.

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Looked at another way, the previous vaccine causes dementia 164 days earlier than this new one. Note the test was vaccine vs vaccine, not vaccine vs saline placebo.

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