This is a fun little gem to go back and look at. Because we know now what carnage the “vaccine” has done, and when you realize they knew all of this harm before we punched millions of arms with the death dart.
Page 4
Bullet 3: However, antibodies and T cells in monkeys declined quickly after 5 weeks after the second dose of BNT162b2 (V9) raising long term immunity concerns.
Bullet 5: The animal studies were of short term; long term immunity was not assessed. The sponsor indicated that long term immunity would be addressed by human data.
Page 7:
“P2 S antigen expression was demonstrated in HEK293 cells (human embryonic kidney cells) in vitro transfected with BNT162b2 mRNA using a commercial transfection kit, BNT162b2 mRNA formulated in the LNP formulation or in a human cell line transfected with a modified pcDNA3.1 construct encoding P2S.” ANYONE who tries to say that fetal line cells were not used in the production of the vaccine can go pound sand. It says it right in the damn data FROM Pfizer.
Page 10 it discusses the excipients or the nanoparticles. “Following an IM injection of the luciferase mRNA formulation in mice, luciferase was detected by whole body imaging mainly at the injection site, which declined to the background level after 9 days. Luciferase was also seen in liver.” Then there is this: “There are no data on the kinetics of BNT162b2 mRNA degradation.” Let’s be honest….there is no data whatsoever on any of the degradation of any of the vaccine contents. They never showed any rat/mice data beyond 48 hours in previous data. They admit as much here: A single-dose intravenous (IV) study in rats using an LNP encapsulating luciferase mRNA demonstrated that both novel lipid excipients, ALC-0159 and ALC-0315 in the LNP formulation rapidly distributed from plasma to liver, which was the only organ collected for analysis. They didn’t take the time to look anywhere else besides the liver.
The study in Wistar Rats: Major uptake of the lipid marker, probably representing the lipid nanoparticles, was noted in the injection site and liver with low distribution in spleen, adrenal glands and ovaries (distribution was not investigated in draining lymph nodes). Doses higher (50 and 100 μg mRNA/animal) than those proposed in humans (30 μg mRNA) were tested in rats (avg. BW ~ 225 g), which showed clinical signs of piloerection, hunched body, decreased activity and irregular respiration. This might indicate toxicity of the LNP formulation at high doses.
Other points of interest: “The toxicity of LNP formulation or the novel excipients alone was not specifically studied.” “No genotoxicity studies were conducted for the vaccine.” “Carcinogenicity studies were not conducted.” “The sponsor has proposed Pregnancy Category B1. The Pregnancy Category B1 is considered appropriate for this product as no embryofetal effects have been noted in the combined reproductive and development study in rats.” Ohhhhhh so the rats should determine that this is ok for women who are pregnant. Sure. Sounds great. “No dedicated immunotoxicity study was conducted.”
This blurb was fantastic too: “BNT162b2 is not proposed for paediatric use and no specific studies in juvenile animals were submitted.” “Administration of COMIRNATY in pregnancy should only be considered when the potential benefits outweigh any potential risks for the mother and fetus.” OH REALLY!!!!! Then WHY did we insist that every pregnant woman get this damn jab?!?!? There is zero benefit to it and only risk. Zero human trials on pregnant women until it hit EUA and we just poked every arm we could. ““It is unknown whether BNT162b2 is excreted in human milk.”
“No safety pharmacology studies were conducted.” “No absorption studies were conducted for BNT162b2”.
Then we have this table:
First off, why do we only have documented data to 48 hours? Second, why did they stop reporting the data at 48 hours when it clearly shows that evidence of the vaccine was INCREASING in many parts of the body, such as the adrenals, bone marrow, large intestines, liver, lymph nodes, ovaries, it dipped then went back up in the pancreas, rising in salivary glands, skin, small intestines, spleen, stomach, testes, thymi’s, thyroid, and uterus. Within 48 hours it was everywhere in the test subjects. Why did we not continue to measure the levels in these areas so we knew when it peaked and dropped? Did it ever truly eliminate? The study concluded this: “Slow but significant distribution of lipid nanoparticles from the site of injection with major uptake into liver.”
Bravo Australia. You agreed to jab all your people based on this study. Every other country who agreed to this arm dart saw the same data and said “thank you sir may I have another”. Looking at all of this in hindsight you just have to ask why did they want us dead and sick and unable to have babies. And what disgusting people agreed with stupid idea? Sick people.
Thanks Jennifer. A global, coordinated war on humanity that is ideological idiocy. I agree with Dr. Michael Yeadon - these people are murderers and must be brought to justice. Everything that Katherine Watt at Bailiwicks New is spot-on. The trouble is, we are at war and very few people are aware of it. Peace. :-)
A second opinion. Sasha Latypova- you've commented on some of her stuff. She has been making the rounds of the TV shows lately. One I found particularly informing was this one: She shows the contract process, which goes from the DOD through a money laundering company called ATI using a federal contract process called OTA. If you go to the ATI site and search around, you will find both pending ongoing, and terminated contracts related to the entire mRNA era funding. It appears the money for mRNA all went through this process- at least as much as we can publically view. I actually validated this. Here's the question. OTA does not require following any regulations, such as safety or quality. It does not require accounting for how the money was spent, at least to mortals. Using the OTA process means the intent is to, through the EUA process, not require any safety, efficacy, or manufacturing quality metrics for the program. The mRNA shot was a countermeasure, not a vaccine, not even a pharma product. Long introduction to the question. So, what does all our concerns about safety, efficacy, and quality matter. The FDA, CDC, the Pharmas, etc have no requirement for such things under contract. The government 3 letter agencies that did the tech work, the PsyOps, etc, as well as all the state agencies, had no requirements that they can be held to. The mRNA shots did not fall under FDA, CDC or any other regs. Extending the federal emergency covers everyone from liability. The FDA, the CDC, the Pharmas, the FBI, the ... state organizations, all not liable at all and can never be. The liability is at the DOD level and whoever directed them. But the laws protect the DOD. Why are we wasting our time trying to condemn the Pharmas? Performing legal exercises against the NIH organizations? Isn't the only solution at the state level, generally requiring new legislation at the state level? The feds are going to drip the guilt out, making the pharmas the scapegoats until the legal efforts run dry, then... until we get tired. Then the next phase begins and we will be sheeple again.