Statins are not the solution. Avoiding inflammation in bloodvessel wall is the key. How is that achieved? Not with statins that’s for sure.

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Yes, Exactly! How? Avoid that inflammation in blood vessel wall by fully optimal amounts of:

-- Vit C

-- Vit E

-- Vit B3 (Niacin; full flush)


C -- see works by Nobel Prize winners Dr. Linus Pauling & Dr. Louis J. Ignarro; example: 'Vitamin C Saves Lives (Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, April 22, 2005) ', http://orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/v01n02.shtml

E -- see works by Drs. Wilfrid & Evan Shute; example: 'Drs. Wilfrid & Evan Shute Cured Thousands with Vitamin E -- And it all began over 70 years ago', http://www.orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/v19n29.shtml and also 'Why Vitamin E was Ignored as Heart Therapy for 40 Years', http://www.doctoryourself.com/hoffer_shute.html

B3 -- see works by Abram Hoffer, M.D., Ph.D.; example: 'Niacin, Coronary Disease and Longevity', http://www.doctoryourself.com/hoffer_cardio.html

3 -- All three vitamins relative to cardiovascular disease in one article: Three Vitamins Fight Heart Disease -- http://www.doctoryourself.com/heartdisease.html

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Great advice. If all people followed this website. Health issues would half in a short amount of time.

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Thanks Jennifer. I am a "high cholesterol" person. I would never take any of the BP crap. Their business model: lying for profit. Peace.

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I have a good friend who is on statins and it really worries me. Is there much research on how statins affect women? Does it affect them differently ? Better or worse?

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DISGUSTING ! & dangerous, dastardly, despicable, deadly:

• American Heart Association reducing the “acceptable” cholesterol numbers -- to push a statin on every patient possible.

• “Insurance payout bonus” to primary care providers for prescribing statins to 80% of patients.


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Alternate source for the ref'd article behind the paywall ::


[ Hope linking it here doesn't cause it to be shot down off the net ... ]

doi: 10.1586/17512433.2015.1011125

Harumi Okuyama, Peter H Langsjoen, Tomohito Hamazaki, Yoichi Ogushi, Rokuro Hama, Tetsuyuki Kobayashi & Hajime Uchino (2015) Statins stimulate atherosclerosis and heart failure: pharmacological mechanisms, Expert Review of Clinical Pharmacology, 8:2, 189-199, DOI: 10.1586/17512433.2015.1011125

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When your motto is better living through chemicals, the role of interreaction of the body itself is ignored. It's given lip service, but the 'solution' is always adding or subtracting some chemical to 'fix' an imbalance rather than studying the imbalance itself as to how to balance it out.

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Atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction, calcifications in blood vessels, heart failure -- yep, *none* of it has a thing to do with "cholesterol" ... (other than *perhaps* the body is making cholesterol to be used to patch up micro-leaky blood vessels ... and thus, just one more indicator of unhealthy blood vessels). Also known as "sub-clinical scurvy".

Rather, atherosclerosis & etc. is due purely to nutrition deficits -- specifically, lack of daily *optimal* amounts of C, E, and B3 (plus more, I bet, but those are the biggies).

Read about Hoffer, Shute, Pauling, Cathcart, and related. Especially interesting: how Hoffer's safety experiments with huge-dose niacin appeared to cause complete healing of his own near-surgery gum disease, and his telling that story to a friend cardiovascular disease researcher, who then went on to experiment with huge-dose niacin in his mice ... and perhaps that's why today, many well-informed doctors recommend huge-dose niacin to help prevent atherosclerosis & etc.

(My doctor, who focuses on finding root causes of a patient's disease (not patching over the symptoms), doesn't measure cholesterol.)

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My next visit to the VA should be interesting. They have me on statins. They told me it was for my liver that was damaged by an experimental vaccine. (In all fairness, I didn't come down with the dreaded illness) They also are doing everything they can to deny me testosterone therapy. I'd show mercy, but none will be shown to me. Wheel and attack. Overwhelming force of data and logic. No wonder they moved me to a yearly visit instead of the every six month schedule I'd been on for years.

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Statins are a crutch for many people who do not want to improve their diets or start exercising. They are also a river of cash for pharmaceutical corporations. We have seen Covid vaccines pushed as a panacea solely for profit and irrespective of the health risks, so it is no secret drug companies and their products can be killers. I have seen patients develop liver failure on statins in just a few weeks. There are some people with familial hypercholesterolemia conditions that may benefit from statins, but even then the ratios of LDL/HDL and particle sizes may be more important than absolute numbers. Stains appear to worsen those beneficial parameters.

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"In head to head studies, the incidence of myocardial infarction is rarely different among people who have taken a statin and those who have not over the long term."

True, but even this study shows all cause mortality, the ultimate measure, is favorably affected by statins. Some writers have suggested that the anti-inflammatory effect of statins is the cause and that it is observable at ultra low dosing.

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I disagree, Henry Dean Stanton will be missed...oh wait.

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