If you all think that they're mad about not taking boosters, wait until you tell your PCM you NEVER took the shot!

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I refused the shots and didn't get too much pushback from my local UVA office BUT they gave me a fit about no mask. I did the distance thing and tried to be respectful of others fears. A little 20 something "blood tech" pitched a fit (AFTER) I had been sitting in the waiting room for 45 minutes (without mask), yelled at me and refused to draw blood except in the parking lot (away from others). I'm old enough to be her grandmother and a two time cancer survivor. I didn't want her in my face, yelling at me so I gave her attitude. They decided to call the Sheriff to have me thrown out (I left anyway) and then sent a letter telling me not to come back to their office and to find another doctor, after 25+ years. These people are nuts and out of control. They care little or nothing about patients.

The hard part for those of us who object... few decent doctors are taking new patients. Sigh 😕

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There's decent doctors?!

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😂😂😂 there must be a few left?

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I think your best bet to find a doctor who's working for you and not pharma is to find a concierge doc.

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Which is how I end with a different PCM every few months it seems

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Searching for one myself in VA.

Maybe tele-med?

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I was in the position to have to get a new doctor right as Covid hit the scene. My husband‘s coworker highly recommended her doctor who I could only “see” via zoom. She lectured me and was irritated with me for about 15 minutes because I was refusing the vaccine. I finally just closed my laptop on her (super satisfying!) and went in search of another doctor. Finally found one who within the first 5 minutes asked if I was vaccinated. I said no. Her response… “Excellent.” I’m still her patient to this day!

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I had been seeing an integrative/functional medicine doctor since 2017 to try to help me with digestive and auto immune issues (that I believe were brought on by the last flu shot I took in 2009) and even she pushed the shot. She took them so she could visit her parents. I was dumbfounded. I knew way before then to not trust anything coming out of Big Pharma.

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YES!!!!! 🥳

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The article is a 100% con job. There is no doctor at this point who isn't aware of the death and destruction caused by the gene bioweapons, unless they're paid to lie.

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That's just it, they ARE paid to lie.

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This is from October of 2023, but for some reason showed up in my email last night. https://rumble.com/v4dvdh9-what-tucker-learned-from-surviving-a-plane-crash.html Tucker opens his remarks at some speaking engagement by saying "Denial is the most powerful of all human instincts" Tells the story of being in a plane crash 22 years ago, and the flight attendant adamantly insisting 'everything is fine'.

That doc either has a terminal case of denial, or was never fit to practice medicine in the first place.

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I don't believe most of them are fit to practice medicine.

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The vaccine rewards from insurance companies and governments to primary care physicians were designed to raise the salaries of those docs relative to the specialists. Why would the doctors question the rationale behind the inducements? To alleviate cognitive dissonance, they double down.

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"But something in me doesn’t feel ready to let it go. The specificity of their Covid refusal — especially compared with flu refusal — piques my curiosity and consternation."

Gosh, I wonder what that "something" might possibly be.

What does "feel" mean?

That "something" is most probably arrogant authoritarianism, a demand for unquestioning obedience. In her screed, note the framing. Statements such as "we" updated the vaccine, for instance. What role did she play in this "update?"

Perhaps anger at this physician's continuing deception is misplaced, Jennifer, and contempt is a more appropriate sentiment. Authoritarians feed on anger, particularly the class of authoritarian the person under discussion represents. Their primary schtick is the appeal to emotion. Allowing them to manipulate emotional reaction is to accept their authority.

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I am so greatful for my DPC Doctor, who was aware of shedding and the whole scam. He even prescribed me Ivermectin and a healing protocol when I was sick and NO masks on staff! ~I did get a ridiculous 5 page letter from my insurance company with a HORSE picture and how ineffective and dangerous this dewormer is! Seriously I couldn't believe it! Look for Direct Pay Primary Care, that is so much cheaper then insurance ~that doesn't cover anything I would take anyway. That is one thing the Plandemic helped with, is Telehealth, though thankfully mine is local.

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"HORSE picture" I started buying "the dewormer" at Tractor Supply in August 2020 before it became so "controversial".

When I made later purchases for friends I brought a Christmas card "HORSE picture" from my sister which was a winter scene picture of her horse and the rest of her family. I had a "Rockford Files" type horse story ready to go if questioned, which never happened. Though I have heard a person purchasing "paste" today may be "subject to questioning".

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What a low point in the medical world!!! I hope these physicians wake up and start doing the right thing again and repair the damage they caused over the last 3 years.

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One thing I have learned: "Covidians" particularly MDs never change nor do they view current data that at the very least they should be sharing with patients as the informed consent process. My internist started with the official CDC line, but now he sends out an annual email urging patients to consider all information. He does not ask about vaccine hesitancy during the annual "wellness" exam. Medical ethics is alive, but seriously ill.

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I think absolute faith in vaccines is nothing less than a cult and once people, including doctors, are in a cult it is very hard to have any dialogue with them or even get them to wake up and understand the probable cause of the injuries they are seeing with their own eyes. It is the ones who know but keep quiet that make me really angry.

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It is also why so many, myself included, have stopped trusting doctors. Where did her MD come from? Does she spend any of her limited time looking at the data that illustrates quite completely the danger of these shots? Hopefully, she is taking her own advice, if that is the case she won't be around long.

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Irony of ironies - she is the author of “When We Do Harm: A Doctor Confronts Medical Error.”!!!!!

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Right?!?! Ultimate face palm!!!!

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Lol…just from the headline I can answer her.

'My Patients Used to Be Enthusiastic About the Covid Vaccine. What Changed?'

Might be that after getting 5 plus jabs they still got the Rona and often times they keep getting it. Or other illnesses one after another. They know it doesn’t work so why keep getting it and especially if they have to pay for it?

Damn liar! Plus there is no safety data you fool.

"Practically no one asks me about safety data or how effective it is at preventing viral transmission"

I wonder what she’d say if they asked her about ivermectin? And the graphic posted makes me think that they are calling people cowards for not wanting it. I’m thinking if the doc ignores treating her patients over discussing the jab she would be considered negligent.

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That’s because “vaccines” are a doctor’s cash cow! They make loads of money on this agenda alone, & don’t have to work for it. Just jab em all up the wazoo! And docs get their monthly stipend from the government or the makers. Whoever. It’s all the same at this point. Same for veterinarians! This doc is mad she has to actually work at convincing people to help keep her cash cow going! Evil!

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The bio of a "doctor" who has sold her soul to the vaccine/pharma and "covid" narrative beasts.

From wickedpedia - "Danielle Ofri is an American essayist, editor, and practicing internist. She is an attending physician at Bellevue Hospital, and a clinical professor of medicine at the New York University School of Medicine. Her writing appears in The New Yorker, The New York Times, and The Lancet."

interestingly - "Danielle Ofri, a primary care doctor at Bellevue Hospital, is the author of “When We Do Harm: A Doctor Confronts Medical Error.”" Looks to me to be a "doctor" who writes about "doctors" injuring their patients who then persists in injuring her own patients and who supports doctors who also persist in injuring their patients with covid "vaccines.

from Danielle Ofri "there is no specific issue causing their discomfort about getting the updated Covid vaccine. It’s as though they have a communal case of the heebie-jeebies."

definition of "heebie-jeebies" - Acute awareness of ongoing, widespread, severe injury and death caused by the covid "vaccine". Children injured and killed, young people injured and killed, middle age people injured and killed, older people injured and killed, nursing home residents injured and killed by the covid "vaccine". This coupled with the full awareness that the covid "vaccine" does not stop infection and the growing awareness that simple safe and effective "at home" early treatments reduce hospitalization and death and "long covid" with a far higher degree of efficacy than "vaccines". If, in fact, the covid "vaccines" reduce hospitalization and death at all. "the heebie-jeebies."

Thank You for your link to the web.archive.org - I did not know about this route around "the paywall".

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Bean counters at the insurance co. Who know nothing to very little about healthcare, ( incompetence )


Making STRONG SuggestINS to your medical provider to coerce patients to accept junk without realizing they are pressuring the patient.



encourage the injection OR mask symptoms with a new pill...

Dr.'s ' complaint:

"Insurance co. needs to allot us MORE TIME with the patient if they want us to upsell both the injection AND address patient needs?

doctors' are swallowing LIES,


about YOUR healthcare

in exchange for $$$$....

Swallow THAT pill folks...

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I've tried 😕 I live in a rural area and there is only one. I've know him for years and wouldn't take my barn cat to him.

We're moving soon so hoping to find someone there. Also hoping nothing has gone drastically wrong in the last 3 years. 🤞🤞🤞

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