Opinion piece from The NY Times. To avoid the paywall, I have linked the archived version above.
Reading through this article makes me angry. This primary care physician is angry that in her “limited time with patients” she has to choose between “discussing their physical health problems or their vaccine hesitancy”. (“Each time I’m faced with a patient hedging on the Covid shot, I have to decide whether to put aside the many other pressing medical issues competing for our limited time to go down the vaccine-hesitancy road.”)
Other notable quotes: “When they say, “I’ve had enough Covid vaccinations already,” I’ll probe where the sense of “enough” comes from. I might ask, “Do you ever feel this way about your diabetes medicines or your mammograms?” We’ll explore how they come to conclusions about which treatments they accept and try to separate vague discomfort from specific concerns.” What in the HELLLL????? Comparing a covid vaccine to diabetes medication? Are they serious here?
“But something in me doesn’t feel ready to let it go. The specificity of their Covid refusal — especially compared with flu refusal — piques my curiosity and consternation. So many of my patients have medical problems that put them at high risk for complications of Covid, such as hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, obesity, kidney disease, asthma. Yet here they are, one after another, rejecting a medical intervention that most have safely received before and substantially improves outcomes.”. I was dry heaving at this point.
Have a read of the entire article. It is pretty disgusting. It is also a fantastic example of how so many people get roped into medical interventions they do not want, a “listen to me I am the professional here”, and a side of snark at the peasants who refuse an arm dart if they don’t give this PCP a good enough reason. 🤬
If you all think that they're mad about not taking boosters, wait until you tell your PCM you NEVER took the shot!
I was in the position to have to get a new doctor right as Covid hit the scene. My husband‘s coworker highly recommended her doctor who I could only “see” via zoom. She lectured me and was irritated with me for about 15 minutes because I was refusing the vaccine. I finally just closed my laptop on her (super satisfying!) and went in search of another doctor. Finally found one who within the first 5 minutes asked if I was vaccinated. I said no. Her response… “Excellent.” I’m still her patient to this day!