Ethical skeptic is a good resource thanks

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Dr. Brown what about the 50 new mutations. Previous studies show one or two per year. Are they responsible for the increase in infectiousness leading to out of community spread. What does science say in general about the appearance of this many mutations is so short a time

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Also not monkey pox related……but have you seen the evolution trees of covid that Ethical Skeptic and Walter Chestnut have done? I have them in a previous post a few months back if you want to check them out, or give Skeptic a follow on Twitter. Walter Chestnut was kicked off Twitter but he has a substack page. Both are a wealth of information!

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Fantastic question……the new mutations were definitely “monkeyed with” in the lab. Let me dig up the article about that from a few weeks ago. I agree…..the mutation progression here was not natural whatsoever.

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We need more answers from basic research on The expected behavior of MP mutations, Statistical probability as in COVID-19, also relevance to new more dangerous behavior Can you discuss this with your colleagues in academic medicine.

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Scroll to bottom, discusses the Wuhan study of monkeypox. Not all encompassing data, I am hopeful more will come out from this. The journal article is at far bottom of the page.

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I agree the study is flawed and incomplete needs to be confirmed. Yes it should be discussed and added to the narrative as you have done. Clinical trial Studies disproving efficacy of alternative treatments usually have flaws in design or like Pfizer Significant unacceptable mid study changes. Study bias cuts both ways. Remember the lancet NEJM debacle on hydroxy quinolone many others.

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