This is certainly eye opening. I have expected these problems, but to see it in print gets my attention even more.

My son works in a hospital. He and his business partner were forced to get the vaccine. They chose to receive the J&J vaccine over the others. Shortly after receiving the first shot, his partner started having blood clots develop throughout his body. He is now out of work and on disability. Luckily my son has not had any problems.

Keep us posted on this issue and thank you.

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This is so sad. When my office colleagues tried to coerce me to get the vaccine, they heavily pushed the J&J. “Just go get the J&J its one shot and done, it’s no big deal, just go do it”. 🤬

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I just don’t get it. I started working in a lab at the hospital when I was 18 and just from what I picked up then I knew that there was no way a vaccine could be made without decades of studies and testing or for it to be safe. Why did so many healthcare workers who had years more experience not know that?

My uncle was a med tech for decades and he said that it would be years before a vaccine could be available and yet even he rushed out and got jabbed immediately knowing that there were no long term studies. Now he’s a huge pro jab advocate. Was it due to the fear porn and propaganda? Hopefully we will find out one day.

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"We aren’t even admitting healthcare personnel are dying over here, but they can only hide this for so long." So very sad. May God bless those injured open their eyes to the crimes against humanity taking place. Peace.

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Dr John Campbell talks about the above western Australia report on his YouTube channel. All about how bad it actually is.

What did people expect? There was no safety data for these jabs. There was no interest in the long term safety. I don't really have any sympathy for people. The idea that they took these jabs to keep their jobs simply means they assumed the jabs were safe. Which is pretty depressing when you are talking about medical people! If people were actually bothered by the speed of development, lack of long term safety data and basic knowledge that coronaviruses mutate (which is why there are no vaccines for the common cold - doesn't everyone know this?) they wouldn't have taken the jabs, not even to save their jobs. Not much point saving your job if your jab kills or maims you is there? So people might have objected to being told they had to take the jab but they obviously didn't really mind because they didn't really think it was harmful.

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I think Dr. Drew said he had long Covid before the vaccine, but keep in mind long Covid was one of the sticks being used to encourage getting the vaccine.

Has to suck that a great many LC sufferers are vaccinated.

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Jennifer, Excellent! Is there any way we could get in touch to talk shop?

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Of course! Email me docbrown77@protonmail.com anytime! 🙌🏻

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I have lost a few friends who were heavily vaccinated - one to a massive heart attack, and 2 to diagnosed at late stage pancreatic cancer. I also have a friend who lost her brother via death by hospital (ventilator and remdesivir). And I have a close friend who had this very odd thing with her veins in her legs somehow reversing their blood flow, causing danger to her heart. She was hospitalized and is thankfully recovering, but has other health issues too. Again, heavily vaccinated and boosted. So horrific.

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Weren’t there early studies that showed that if people who had Covid and then got jabbed they would have more complications than those who didn’t get jabbed?

And what’s the chance that the PTB made sure to jab health care workers first because they wanted to collapse the healthcare industry which would mean that more people died? Congress has refused to give universal healthcare to Americans forever whilst giving themselves quality healthcare and say nothing when hundreds of thousands people die due to lack of healthcare. Or that 500,000 people a year have to file bankruptcy because of medical bills. Even those who had health insurance.

Funny how we heard of everyone who died from the Rona, but no mention of those who die from lack of early treatments because they can’t afford it.

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