Remember when we were warned about the vax effects on healthcare employees? The hen has come home to roost.
As always……substitute long covid with an “and” vaccine injury and the truth lies somewhere between the two. Because my primary question is, how many of these reported cases were vaccinated AFTER having covid in 2020, and did that contribute to the “long covid”. Also, go back to yesterday’s article and the “long covid/vaccine injury” article in Science Magazine….and use that filter when reading the statistics below. So many questions.
This is an interesting article out of the UK. The respondents replies are scary:
Doctors reported a wide range of symptoms, including fatigue, headaches, muscular pain, nerve damage, joint pain, ongoing respiratory problems and many more.
Around 60% of doctors told the BMA that post-acute Covid ill health has impacted on their ability to carry out day-to-day activities on a regular basis;
Almost one in five respondents (18%) reported that they were now unable to work due to their post-acute Covid ill-health;
Less than one in three (31%) doctors said they were working full-time, compared to more than half (57%) before the onset of their illness;
Nearly half (48%) said they have experienced some form of loss of earnings as a result of post-acute Covid;
54% of respondents acquired Covid-19 during the first wave of the pandemic in 2020, and 77% of these believed that they contracted Covid -19 in the workplace;
A small minority of doctors had access to respiratory protective equipment (RPE) around the time that they contracted Covid-19, with only 11% having access to an FFP2 respirator and 16% an FFP3 respirator;
More than 65% of doctors responding said their post-acute Covid symptoms had not been investigated thoroughly and effectively by an NHS long Covid clinic or centre. And almost half of doctors reported not even being referred to an NHS long Covid clinic at all.
So my questions are this. How many were vaccinated after having covid in 2020? Were masks and PPE really that scarce? In the early days of the “pandemic” we had PPE galore in the hospitals. When did their “long covid” problems start? Did anyone know the phrase “long covid” before vaccines came out? If long covid isn’t being investigated well enough by the NHS, has anyone considered that other things are causing this long covid besides the virus they released from the lab?
My heart goes out to those who are ill and unable to work. I have one patient who was vaccinated 2x in December 2020, became severely ill with alleged covid around New Years December 2020-January 2021, and has not been ok ever since. Do I truly know what caused this ongoing neurological condition and fatigue? No. What I do know is that we have largely ignored complications and we injected poison into millions of people with zero evidence it was ok and safe. We have only begun to see what the long term ramifications are. I do not personally know anyone in my healthcare colleague world with long covid. But I sure do know plenty who have multitudes of health issues since getting 2-5 vaccines. Syncope, falls that broke bones, sudden cardiac death, GI complications, worsening diabetes, chest pain and cardiac complications, unexplained osteoporosis and brittle bones (at age 38), turbo uterine cancer with recurrence after booster #4 in another location, blood clots, strokes, autoimmune complications, fatigue, brain fog, cognitive delay, repeated bacterial infections……the list goes on and on. They all bought in to the original vaccines early on and just kept getting more. Some stopped after 3, some went full bore and got all 5.
Will we see any reporting like this in the US? We aren’t even admitting healthcare personnel are dying over here, but they can only hide this for so long.
This is certainly eye opening. I have expected these problems, but to see it in print gets my attention even more.
My son works in a hospital. He and his business partner were forced to get the vaccine. They chose to receive the J&J vaccine over the others. Shortly after receiving the first shot, his partner started having blood clots develop throughout his body. He is now out of work and on disability. Luckily my son has not had any problems.
Keep us posted on this issue and thank you.
"We aren’t even admitting healthcare personnel are dying over here, but they can only hide this for so long." So very sad. May God bless those injured open their eyes to the crimes against humanity taking place. Peace.