This comes as no surprise to me. I was told it would be bad for me to donate blood or be an organ donor after the Air force treated me to several experimental vaccines. I guess the experimental vaccines worked. I never came down with the dreaded diseases they were meant to prevent, but the "unanticipated" side effects have been less than fun. No one wants my blood or organs. I wondered about the ripple effect of the "Emergency" vaccines on the blood and organ supply when first announced. As someone said to me recently, "They want us all dead".

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Most likely you were never in danger from the "dreaded diseases" they lied to you about to coerce you into their experimental vaccines. Impressed by your Air Force service and your early awareness of the dangers of covid injections (spike protein, contamination by junk DNA, etc) to the blood supply and organ transplant recipients.

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I came across this yesterday:

Red Cross Does Not Sort Blood Donors by COVID Vaccination Status https://thevaccinereaction.org/2024/03/red-cross-does-not-sort-blood-donors-by-covid-vaccination-status/

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The article at your link is more comprehensive than others I've read on the same topic. Thanks for posting it.

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Sure, its a great website that comes into my email notifications.

The Vaccine Reaction https://thevaccinereaction.org/

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Bookmarking this website! Thank you for sharing!!!!

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: )

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Lioness just posted a study by BJM that found that the vaccines reduced blood clots by almost 80%. Including the J&J one that was taken off the market because it caused blood clots. This is clown world.

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Yes. A flawed study.

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And it gets published while the ones that damage vaccines get rescinded. More clown world crapola.

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Right. The gaslighting continues.

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I wonder how many high officials (i.e. Bill Gates, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi) really didn't get vaccinated because they knew of the dangers of mRNA vaccines. Because of mega-money involved they just went along with the hoax.

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Well they sure acted like Covid wasn’t a threat to them because they rarely wore masks. Well Pelosi wore color matching her attire cloth masks that couldn’t stop anything. Pure show when they attended large gatherings sans masks.

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They perpetrated the hoax.

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Who is the King that all these hoaxes perpetrates from. Is it Obama, is it some "Deep State" group, Blackrock, Google.....who is the king puppeteer-- who tells the mainstream media what the daily narrative is on any particular day? and they all do it in unison.

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Very good questions. I don't think there is a "King."

It feels like mob rule involving the Clintons, Obama, the Deep State & Biden Administration (incl. CIA, FBI, DOJ, HHS, FDA, CDC), Chinese medical establishment (CCP), Bill Gate$, the RINO establishment, and the American press throwing out ideas and yes-manning each other.

Your question of coordination is key. Knowing how they all love money and money = power, If there is a King, it might be Gates. At the very least, he would know who the King is.

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Gates is a good guess... Maybe Soro's, maybe Davos consortium, maybe a drug company consortium. It has to be someone or some group with seemingly has unlimited funds. Somebody who wants to be God here on earth. Most politicians are not independently wealthy, not too bright, so they are easily bought-off, as well as media, and hospital CEOs.

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