You will have to download the entire article as it is in preprint status not published yet. But we finally have a team that have raised the red flag alert about the mRNA vaccines being in blood products and in organ donations, and the danger of such.
The big question is will this study be allowed to see the light of day, or will it get the plug pulled during preprint?
Worth the 3 minute read and download.
This comes as no surprise to me. I was told it would be bad for me to donate blood or be an organ donor after the Air force treated me to several experimental vaccines. I guess the experimental vaccines worked. I never came down with the dreaded diseases they were meant to prevent, but the "unanticipated" side effects have been less than fun. No one wants my blood or organs. I wondered about the ripple effect of the "Emergency" vaccines on the blood and organ supply when first announced. As someone said to me recently, "They want us all dead".
I came across this yesterday:
Red Cross Does Not Sort Blood Donors by COVID Vaccination Status